Sunday, April 13, 2008

Art Season is in Full Swing!

(Above: What do you think? I can fit a few more things in my studio? Click to enlarge the mess! For a visual "translation"....this is a picture of my rusted damask hanging to dry on Decisions, my installation for Artista Vista with spreads/pages on the floor from the Blues Bible, an altared/altered book for my solo show at the Pickens Country Museum of Art and History...I've taken to wearing no shoes and tiptoeing.)

Spring is always a busy art season. This year is no exception. In fact, nearly every moment is filled. Yesterday I worked in my studio, went to Sumter, South Carolina for "Roots, Memories, and the Southern Bottle Tree" (my piece is here) opening, and to the Alvin Ailey II performance that followed. Today I'm packing for the installation of "Blues Chapel" which Steve and I will take to the Region 2 Discovery Center in Edgefield, South Carolina on Monday. Wednesday is the annual Elizabeth O'Neill Verner Award luncheon and art sale...the highest arts awards in the state...I've got three pieces in the sale. Thursday Steve and I install Decisions in the gallery outside my studio door and attend an art opening in Aiken, SC....I've got two pieces there. The following weekend is the annual Artista Vista event...which brings hundreds through my studio plus a charity event: "Dining With Friends"....I've donated a platter for this. The following weekend is "Open Studios" in Columbia...another time for the public to visit my studio. I'm teaching a workshop for Lander University on May 7, and I just had one of my "In Box" pieces accepted into the statewide juried art exhibit that will be on view from April 25 until early September....not to mention I'm planning a new round of CYBER FYBER trading in May! I'm also still working on the images and posts from my trip to England!

Basically....I'm booked solid....but still committed to creating art and stitches everyday. What's getting left behind is my blog, please forgive me...especially for not thanking each and every individual who's left a comment recently and those who have written to Deirdre Mardon of the Vista Guild. It means the world to me! Thanks so much!

So...about that rusting fabric. I have an idea for a quilt. The concept/working title is "Industrial Revolution"....okay....I did just return from England...a land of railways and afternoon teas....or, at least, there's signs of this earlier age! Using a vintage, damask runner and a tablecloth with some of the rusted bits found down the street from my studio, I set out to rust the fabric. Unfortunately, it got gray and even rained. I wanted a little more heat. Jeff Donovan (whose studio is down the hall from mine) suggested putting my containers on his ceramic kiln...which would have melted the plastic he put additional "shelves" on top.

We created some space to diffuse the heat...and the system worked wonderfully. Steam rolled out of the containers when we opened them to add additional vinegar/salt/water. Within a few hours I had great rusted fabric.

Above (clickable) is one container. This is the tablecloth with wire wrapped around the rusted bits and a few pieces just thrown in.

Above (clickable) is the fringed tablerunner, folded with rusted washers and flat pieces set between the layers.

Above is the detail of the tablecloth...wear the wire wrapped around the small rusted bolts and screws.

Above and below are Alvin Ailey II dancers mingling with some of the local dancers at the reception following their performance

Above and below are photos of "Roots, Memories, and the Southern Bottle Tree" exhibit .


  1. Gosh Susan you are busy.
    I love the bottle trees the are great.

  2. Whew! Everything is going so well!!!!Exciting! Congrats on the funding, the rusted fabric looks good and your energy is enviable!!

  3. I can't believe how busy you are. I don't know how you even have time to think. Enjoy being busy doing the things you love, and don't forget why you love it!

  4. The rust pieces look great. That's on my list to try for this year, but I haven't got to it yet. Soon, soon, in my "free" time...

  5. Hi Susan,I dont know how you fit it all in you are so busy!! always...
    I stopped by to let you know that I have an award waiting for you to collect on my blog today. It's on this post:
    I hope you can stop by and pick it up soon - you surely do deserve it!

  6. The rusted pieces turned out beautifully. I intend trying that, I might pop down to the Op Shop and pick up some old damask too, I have an idea for a fabric box based on the roles of women.I have successfully raised seedlings on top of my front load washing machine (it gives bottom heap when operating, which with 4 children is fairly constantly) might try that for the rusting.
