Monday, September 08, 2008

Happy Family, African Series

(Click on image to enlarge.)
Happy Family. Unframed 21 1/2" x 16". Framed 35" x 29". Altered digital image on watercolor paper, chiffon, snippets of fabric and fibers, gel medium, free motion machine embrodiery and hand couching.)

I've finished another piece in my African Series. This is Happy Family. I know I just did a piece with this same title....but one's in my Decision Portrait series and this one is in the African Series.

I recently returned to the African series because I wanted new work to submit for the annual MOJA juried art show in Charleston. Many from the series are now over two years old. Well, Still Happy and Bessie's Quilt have been accepted! Now....back to work on Mamie's Quilt. (Below....I've got good help!)

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