Monday, December 08, 2008


(Click on image above to enlarge.)
In exactly one month CYBER FYBER opens at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios here in Columbia, SC. I've been swamped with preparations. Right now....this is how it looks.... full sized notebooks of postcards and little, CD sized notebooks of ATCs. All the exhibition labels have been created and printed. Emails have been sent to those from whom I've not yet received a trade (and most of these people responded in record time! Thanks!)

The boxes at the back of the table are for the International Random for the for the ATCs! I'll be blogging about this more tomorrow! It's not too late to join in! (Just send one, two, or three ATCs in any media with self-addressed, stamped envelopes in your own country's stamps....they must arrive before ATC Day, January 17th!)

The invitational section of CYBER FYBER has been edited....and I've been in contact with each of the invited artists....and received some wonderful artwork already! I've also created a mailing list for a special email invitation to the exhibition...everyone who traded should be on it! I'm excited! I hope everyone is too! Next....creating the on-line peeking....I'm not going to upload the photos until all the posts have been created! I'll edit the pictures into the posts later!


  1. Do you have a magic lamp with a genie in it who pops out when you rub it?
    I don't know how you manage to get everything done.
    Anyway it all looks wonderful Susan---well done.

  2. Exciting! This is one exhibit that I would love to be able to see in person. What an amazing undertaking I am sure it will be an impressive show. and knowing the massive amount of work you have put into this I want to thank you for all of it!

  3. Wow, this is so exciting Susan! I'm all tingly thinking about it :o) Well done you for having the vision and drive to bring this about. I only wish I could see it in person but I will enjoy it online. Every good wish to you for the opening and for the success of the whole venture. You deserve it.

    I'm so pleased there is still time to join the ATC swap, I shall have to get busy as I would love a souvenir of this great event.

  4. I can't imagine all the work involved! You are amazing and everything looks so great! And organized!!!! Wow. This is like the event of the year!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We'll have to stop meeting like this! I can get your emails OK but mine to you are still bouncing back.

    Two pieces of work are on their way - went last Wednesday, actually. I sent them separately as they made an awkward parcel when joined. Have included titles, expanations etc.

    You look fearfully busy but it's going to be great. Something to look forward to in the New Year.



  8. Sorry about cluttering up your blog. I started a new blog for the family photos and now I don't seem to be able to leave comments as me any more. I have become the deeply uncool grannymags. The last comment was from Maggie Grey.
