Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Doesn't Everyone Want a 10' x 10' Pro Panel Booth in the Living Room?

(Above:  The truck delivering the 10' x 10' Pro Panel "Flex" booth pulls up to Mouse House.  Click on any image in this post to enlarge.)

Great big, sixteen wheel trucks have been delivering packages to Mouse House for over two decades.  One wouldn't think I'd be excited to see one pull up yesterday, but I was more than anxious!  This one wasn't bringing picture frame moulding or even a new piece of equipment.  It was bringing the 10' x 10' Pro Panel "Flex" booth plus a fancy lighting system.  I grabbed my camera!

It took the delivery guy several minutes to load the four big, flat boxes onto a fancy, wide pull cart.  The entire contraption was lowered to street level on a rear mounted, hydraulic lift.  He wheeled the boxes across Park Street ...

... almost to our front door.  Of course, there is no forklift-like elevator for the four steps onto the porch.  I have no idea how he thought that small hand-cart was going to be used!  Together, he and I picked up the boxes ...


... and pulled them inside the front door.  Right in the middle of the foyer!  These boxes could absolutely NOT remain in this place.  Something had to happen ... and I was DYING to see my new booth!

Well, there's only one place in our entire business/home in which these panels could be assembled ... THE LIVING ROOM!  For the remainder of yesterday afternoon, I unloaded the boxes, cut down the corrugated into manageable pieces, hauled the panels upstairs, and then set up a booth!  I didn't tackle the lighting system though.  I'll wait until next week ... and Steve's assistance.  Why?  Well ... Steve is already in England.  He left before the booth was delivered.  (Won't he be pleased with my room rearrangement!)  I leave for England tomorrow.  We are going to see our elder son Mathias in his first "princely" role with Birmingham Royal Ballet.  He's Cinderella's man on Wednesday afternoon and Friday evening.  Steve will see both performances.  I'll see one ... but "someone" had to be here at Mouse House to accept this important delivery!  This is my booth for the upcoming, trade-only wholesale Buyers Market show in Philadelphia from February 16 - 18th.  I'm nervous and excited.  My work is also a finalist for a Niche Award that weekend at the show.


(Above:  Mathias Dingman and Maureya Lebowitz, aka The Prince and Cinderella, as seen during Birmingham Royal Ballet's matinee performance on Wednesday, December 5th!)

This blog post has been updated from our hotel room in Birmingham, England.  Steve was stunned with pride and excitement after the Wednesday matinee performance ... featuring OUR SON THE PRINCE and his beautiful partner Maureya Lebowitz.  Mathias posted the photo on Facebook.  At the time of this update, I've got just a few more hours until I witness this show ... nail biting time!  The post is also being linked to Nina-Marie's "Off the Wall Friday" blog post featuring fiber art works in progress.


  1. Thanks for my morning chuckle! Have a great show. :-)

  2. Oh how lovely that you're coming over to England. Are you doing anything else nice while you're here? Bring sweaters, it's chilly. Have a good flight!

  3. I hope that the performances are both great! I heard the music from that one ballet...sort of jazz music...yesterday on TV and I relived the whole Munich show! I can imagine how lovely Cinderella must be! Have safe flights! I am sure Steve will take his new temporary living arrangement in stride. He always does!

  4. That was quite some work .... (and nót with a needle ;-) !)
    Have a great trip to England and hope the performance goes well !

  5. Hahaha that is great!

  6. when I read this earlier this week - I thought - ohhh these pro panels are cool and would make nice protable design walls - I'm going to have my husband make me some to use in my sewing room - as temporary walls. So no I won't have them in my living room - but I will have them off my family room - does that count?

  7. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Wonderful ballet - you must be so proud!!
