Thursday, August 13, 2020

Mandala I

(Above:  Mandala I, detail.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

I've been drawn to found object since ... well ... FOREVER or so it seems. Over the years I've collected rusted nails, old keys, buttons, assorted screws and metal washers, sewing machine bobbins, upholstery tacks, grommets, safety pins, and even fountain pen nibs.  Each time I add to my stash, my thoughts are like those expressed from yesteryear, "Susan, one day you might need this!"  There's a "make-do"mentality, a "rainy day" idea, and a hope that all these things will serve a purpose.  

(Above:  Mandala I, 32 1/2" x 32 1/2".  Assorted found objects on a vintage quilt section.  Hand stitched.)

At auctions, I rescue vintage household linens too, an occasionally an old quilt that no one else wants.  There's a desire to salvage these tattered pieces and turn them into something new.  My approach is almost always with a threaded needle. Stitching is a meditative process.  It is slow but the repetitive motion is almost like a prayer ... like a rosary or a chant.  During this pandemic, I've been using several, silent moments for positive affirmations.  It has worked.  I've stayed positive, and somewhere in all of that was an idea to make a mandala.  

Once this idea presented itself, the rest was easy.  It just took time, a luxury of hours spent building an arrangement of found objects on an old quilt scrap.  I put a layer of pale blue tulle over the quilt before I started.  It is nearly transparent but protects the tattered areas nicely.  As I worked, I realized that I could display the finished piece in two different orientations. 

(Above:  Mandala I hung on my double garage door, as a square and as a diamond.)

As a diamond, the piece measures 46" x 46". 

I had a wonderful time picking out all the things I attached but I had plenty more of everything.  There were objects I didn't use too.  My solution is to make another mandala.  The fact of the matter is, I can make three more from the same, old quilt!

I've already started the next one!  Ernie, our new kitten, is quite pleased with this project!

After all, he was so very, very helpful during the construction of the first one!  I'll share the next mandala when it is finished.  Below are additional detail shots.



  1. These are fabulous!

  2. I like it in the "diamond shape" the idea of the Mandala...thanks Ernie for assisting.
