Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Mandala XXXI

(Above:  Mandala XXXI. 46" x 46" when hung as a diamond; 32 1/2" x 32 1/2" when hung as a square.  Found objects hand stitched to a section of vintage quilt.  Found objects include:  Medical syringes, their plastic protective covers, and some other plastic part labeled "sterile" all donated by my friend and nearby neighbor Flavia Lovatelli; cloth female and male figures donated by my cyber friend Linda Laird in Colorado; clock gears and spiral spring, buttons, and four red plastic lids.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

This mandala is another piece made to reflect the on-going pandemic.  Unlike some of the pieces made last year, this one is totally hopeful and looking to the day when I can get my vaccination.  Steve got his first shot this past Friday and is already scheduled for the second one.

(Above:  Detail of Mandala XXXI.)

I couldn't have created this piece without the significant donations to my stash by my cyber friend Linda Laird or my nearby neighbor/friend Flavia.  Independently, they donated to my stash within a week of one another ... providing just the right things!  Medical syringes and "pink people"!

(Above:  Mandala XXXI hung as a square.) 

Not only is there a lot of hand stitching on this piece, but there was plenty of prep work to get the found objects ready.  Every one of those gray, plastic protective tips for the syringes had to have a tiny hole drilled into one end.  Every one of those syringes has a hole near the tip ... because there was no earthly way for me to remove the tiny bit of the needle still inside the syringe.  Every "pink person" required a minimum of seven stitches ... the ends of both hands, the ends of both feet, under each of the females' arms, on both sides of the males' necks, and a belly button.  Also, the corners were quilted with perle cotton because the negative space looked better than any found object.  This mandala took a long time to stitch but it was so worth it!  Now ... count down until everyone is vaccinated!


  1. those people remind us so much of "huddling together" at the beach in the sun - family get togethers and just mingling with a lot of people we don't know.

    Understanding what the vaccination might mean, seems to be still a little unclear...but as time goes on I'm sure us general humans will be safer in the long run.

    Vaccination program begins in New Zealand today with front line workers including those at the border and gov't managed isolation facilities - then their families and close contacts. After that I guess it wend it's way down through our population of 5 million ( unless you don't wish to have it)

  2. Wonderful piece! The belly buttons make the pink people come alive. It reminds me of sychronized swimming scenes in the old Esther Williams movies, or the overhead shots of the June Taylor Dancers who opened the Jackie Gleason Show. Many Saturday nights spent in the 1960s, watching TV with my grandparents!

  3. Thanks for the positive feedback. It truly makes my day and keeps me going. Special thanks to Linda Laird for making this mandala possible. A cyber friend in Ontario, Canada contacted me about the "pink people". She has another project for twenty of the remaining ones. I've sent them to her. Just think ... they got out of the Ziploc bag and are now traveling the continent! Thanks so much! Susan
