Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mandala CCXXIV

(Above:  Mandala CCXXIV. Custom framed:  18 1/2" x 18 1/2".  Found objects hand-stitched to the back of an antique quilt.  Objects include:  An Empire State Building souvenir/coaster stitched to a decorative ceramic dish; plastic thread spools; copper-colored beverage can tabs; model train signs; doll clothes hangers; yellow Monopoly hotels; plastic Irish/shamrock tokens on top of natural wooden poker chips; four, white plastic toy monuments; antique capacitors; assorted buttons and beads.  Click on either image to enlarge.)

This mandala used one of the last scraps of an antique double wedding ring quilt.  The quilt was in dreadful condition and this piece was the worst of it. Tattered is not a word strong enough to describe the pitiful pieces of patchwork ... but I LOVE THE YELLOW, the hand-stitching, and (most of all) the fact that this quilt was loved for ages upon ages.  How could I not give even this piece "a second life"?  In keeping with this approach, the frame was built from scraps left over after framing some of my hand-stitched In Box pieces.  Even the linen liner was built from scraps.  I'm always happy when so many things that might have gone to a landfill come together into something special!

(Above:  HOME !!!  320 North Church Street, Central, SC 29630 !!!)

Weeks ago, Steve and I applied to have our place on the upcoming Pickens County Ag+Art Tour, May 3 - 4 from 9 to 4 each day.  This week, we got the news:  WE'RE GOING TO BE ON THE TOUR!  This totally free event is also functioning as our official Open House!  The organization needed a recent photo of the place.  This is how it looks right now!  We are excited!

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