Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas! Gifts from Cyber friends!

Several years ago I had to come to the realization that having a ballet dancer in the family would probably change Christmas...at least the day on which we celebrated it. Christmas is generally Nutcracker season. Many top companies perform through the holidays and into the new year. Yet, Birmingham Royal Ballet had a nice, long vacation...including Christmas eve and day last year. This year, Mathias has to return to work earlier. We aren't too sad about this. They are rehearsing for a month long tour in Japan during January. So, this morning, Mathias is boarding flights back to England. We stayed up until midnight and celebrated during the wee hours of Christmas Day morning.

Mathias played with our cat Shadow.

Alex had fun on the laptop.

I showed off the incredible creativity and very generous gifts from cyber friends including Doreen, Nikki, Sammy, Emmy, Arlee, and Kate.

I cannot adequately express my sincerely, overwhelming feelings about these gifts and the sense of global support I've received from so very, very many fiber artists over this past year. I've left a few comments on various blogs today....but, please know, I am grateful for each person who has visited my blog and for each person who uploads a photo and writes a few sentences in order to share with others. May the coming year be a productive, creative adventure filled with fantastic stitches, interesting compositions, exotic colors and patinas, artistic insight, novel approaches, unusual experimentations and the wonderful communication with like minded souls are over the world.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    How lovely that you were able to spend Christmas day together. May the rest of the festive season be kind to you, and '08 be filled with creative enticements.

  2. Merry Christmas Susan, thank you so much for you're generousity! I think you didn't receive my card yet, I hope it will be this year though!

  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! and thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog!

  4. Merry Christmas! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Let me say that I am inspired by your work! Enjoy the family time.

  5. Hope you had a really lovely christmas - I would love to see the Nutcrackre.

  6. Right back at you, Susan. And see you in the new year!

  7. Merry days and a productive lucrative soul satisfying year to you Babe :}
