Thursday, January 03, 2008

Fifteen Minutes

(Above: My broom with the "stuff" off the floor...all images will enlarge.)

Although I've been so very, very tempted to subscribe to Fiber & Stitch, I haven't done so. Honestly, I have trouble reading the books and subscriptions I've already got. Thus, I've resisted. There is another, closed blog on which subscribing members can post their impressions, discuss resulting work, and share experiences based on the articles in this zine. Occasionally, there are open blog posts about experimentation and works created after reading a particular article. I've enjoyed these posts.....and recently was inspired.

There was "something" about "fifteen minutes" and "scraps" and "making something from these things". I was intrigued. I saw these snippets on the floor while sweeping and thought, "Here are my 'scraps'. What can I do in just 'fifteen minutes'?" The challenge was on!

(Above: Previously painted Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web) and an indigo blue piece of acrylic, craft felt with my iron.)

(Above: A little copper metallic foil on the Wonder Under (Bond-a-Web).

I looked at my "scraps" and thought, "There's no possible way to integrate these odd colors and textures inside of fifteen minutes!....No! I'll cut them all up and toss them like a salad!"

(Above: Cut, tossed, and ironed...although only the bottom fibers were adhered...and then embellished from both the front and back...quickly; time was ticking!)

(Above: Simply lines of straight stitches. This was the end of my "fifteen minutes".)

(Above: Two postcards and two ATCs.)

I was working as quickly as possible...which was very, very interesting. It prevented me from embellishing forever and didn't allow any room for doubt. I am pleased with the results....but, I didn't manage to get all this done inside of fifteen minutes. It took fifteen minutes to make the fabric and fifteen more to make the postcards. Something was wrong.

Since then, I returned to reading other blogs....I think the experiment urged readers to GATHER THINGS for no longer than FIFTEEN MINUTES and then MAKE SOMETHING! I've been laughing ever since.

By the way, I couldn't have done any of this if it weren't for the postcards recently sent at Christmas. I love them and have learned from each one. I posted an image of some of these amazing gifts in December. Since then, I also received a postcard and tag from Jacqueline. (Thanks so very, very much!)


  1. You're welcome! Happy New Year Susan!!

  2. Those of us from F&S are laughing now too. It's supposed to take us all MONTH to work from the scraps we gathered in 15 mins..*L*

    Not at you, of course...but with you.

  3. When I was reading this Susan I thought(with a smile on my face) no way that's not what you were supposed to do and then on reading further I realised that you had discovered your mistake but it just proves what you can do in 15 minutes doesn't it.
    I keep all my loose threads in a zip lock bag and use them in the same manner as you did (when I get time that is)

  4. I month or 15 mins, the outcome is the same- something has been created and scraps have been used therefore reducing your stash (may only be a few grams but at least they didn't get thrown out)

    Happy New Year
    { took me much longer than 15 mins to create, maybe you had the right idea :) )

  5. Sorry, but I had to laugh at this. You did a fantastic job. You have been given the "Make My Day" award. (Not for this post) but for all of the inspiration you have given all of us with your wonderful work and words of wisdom. See my blog for the details.

  6. Oh my gosh! This is so Cool!
    Sandra Evertson

  7. You amaze me once again! I am very impressed with your fifteen minute fabric and fifteen minute postcards. No wonder you are able to create so many wonderful things. I think the idea to create art in such a short period of time is great -- let the beauty flow instead of thinking too much. Not to mention I rarely have more than fifteen minutes without somebody desperatly needing me.

  8. A well spent 15 minutes, I reckon!!! Great post Susan, I really enjoyed reading it. (Smiling as I type this).....

  9. Hi Susan and thanks for my note of encouragement. We had a good holiday time with family. I love the 15 min. idea. I'm always gathering and throwing bits & pieces into a box - now I know what to do with them.

  10. yes 15 min and the most lovely things happens sometimes you sit and,,,, think and,,,, think ,,,etc etc,,, and nothing comes out and here it is a wonderful piece of art

  11. You did very well in 15 minutes! I am trying this challenge too but will certainly take longer than 15 minutes to use my scraps. It is an interesting exercise tho, to see what you can make in 15 minutes. It would be good discipline for me!

  12. I'm with the other F&S girls in being impressed what you managed in 15 minutes. It took me a lot longer (though not all month) to create something from my scraps.

  13. I didn't even know I was supposed to save the stuff!!! I've been throwing away thread ends for years!!! You didn't tell me!!!! Oh no!!!!! But I AM collecting Abby hair for you!!
