Monday, January 21, 2008


(Click on image to enlarge.)

Last June I was working toward my solo show at Francis Marion University. I created a number of new pieces, my Strata Series. These were made with assorted threads, yarns, and sheer materials sandwiched between an adhesive coated, water soluble fabric and a clear water soluble top. Each was free motion stitched and dissolved. One of these was called Strata V, Summer. I blogged about it. I said I wasn't "wild" about it. In truth, I never liked it at all. Something was "wrong" but I couldn't figure out what; I didn't have more time to spend on it.

At about that time there appeared several blog posts about the flower stitcher foot. There was even helpful link to Valerie Cambell-Harding's workshop. I bookmarked this. Everything about this attachment fascinated me. I found one at the local sewing center, bought it, and tucked it away...for when I'd have time to experiment.

The time for the flower stitcher and the time for Strata V came this weekend. From a work I disliked, I managed to create a piece in which I can take pride. I cut jagged strips of purple, acrylic felt and stitched them to the back...continuing the idea that the work should reflect the strata of the earth. Into this I flower stitched densely in assorted variegated threads. I added free motion circles in orange and gold and linear rows of sparkle green. I took my heat gun to it and added some hand stitches in burgundy yarn and green floss French knots.

The flower stitcher foot is everything I hoped and ever so much fun. The piece is better than I hoped too. It is 26" x 15".

(Click on image to enlarge.)


  1. an other beauty

  2. It is gorgeous Susan. I like the way the flower stitch foot binds the layers together.

  3. Wonderful Susan it all blends together so well

  4. I love all the texture the flower stitcher added. Terrific piece.

  5. My reaction was the same as Annica, just goes to show you should never throw anything away!!

  6. Isn't that just the most amazing little tool!? The colour really zaps too that you used. I love how one addition can unify and raise a piece above itself.

  7. So much wonderful texture to explore! I just want to touch!

  8. I must try out my flower stitcher foot again; I loved what you did with it.
