Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wonder Under Image Transfer

(Above: The Harp and Mother and Child. Each 7" x 5" plus size of frame.)

Like many fiber arts bloggers, I read with keen interest Maggie Grey's post on Bond-a-web image transfers...knowing, of course, this meant Wonder Under to me and others in the USA. I had to try it. It's not like I don't have any Wonder Under...all painted and stacked in a corrugated box!

My first transfer was a disaster. I rubbed much too vigorously. Everything came off...paper, ink, and parts of the Wonder Under too. The second, however, was fine; as was the third. Yet, I wasn't thrilled. Like many transfers carried on paper, there's a cloudy residue. It seems impossible to remove absolutely all the paper and not accidentally tear into the ink. So, I kept working with my two images...adding some scraps of sheer chiffon scarves, a little paint, and even a bit of embellished lace on one. I tried heat activated metallic foil...which doesn't stick on the ink but adheres to the small areas where the ink was damaged and the Wonder Under was exposed. I put a piece of felt under each and free motion stitched. The chiffon wasn't really attached, so I poured about two tablespoons of GAC 200 on each one and carefully blotted the liquid into the entire surface. They dried quickly but weren't completely flat. Under a sheet of silicone coated paper (baking parchment will also work), I ironed them. Some hand stitches and beads were put on the one I'm called The Harp. The other is now titled Mother and Child.

Oh, I'm so glad that many people liked my studio space....not all that space is actually mine! The gallery is rented out to artists and groups by the week. When it is not rented, the artists (like me) renting studio space can hang their work in the gallery. I can let things dry overnight in the hallway and gallery because I work in the late afternoon and evening...and come back early in the morning to remove it all! It is a fabulous facility!


  1. Hi Susan,
    I really like the Mother and Child piece. Nice frame. I haven't had a chance to try doing any of these transfers.

  2. I have this technique on my to try list. Did you put the beads and the hand stitching on after the GAC

  3. Beautiful piece Susan.
    I too have this on my list of "got to try".

  4. The Mother and Child piece is beautiful Susan. Thank you for guiding us through the process with this technique. Much appreciated.

  5. Have been using this technique for quite a while now, and it is strange. Sometimes it works really well and sometimes not. Just love your use of the technique,which isvery subtle,and complements your work beautifully. It is so important not to let the technique overide the artistic statement you are endevouring to make. You have succeeded.
