Monday, April 28, 2008

Blogging for TWO Years!

(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Fairy of Gold from my Sleeping Beauty series. It was created last April and part of an exhibition at Fish or Cut Bait Gallery on Edisto Island. Leave a comment on this post and it could be yours! It is hand and machine embroidery and beading on water soluble fabric, mounted on a white silk, framed with plexi....yeah, yeah, yeah....I know; it didn't sell but it's still quite nice!)

Two years ago on April 28, 2006 I wrote my first blog post. It was an experiment born from an accident that has gone wildly and fabulously awry. Now is a time for celebration....HAPPY SECOND ANNIVERSARY to my blogging experience.

In a nutshell, the Gallery 80808/Vista Studios' new website has a "page" called "News/Events". It is a blog. At the time, I'd never heard of a blog. This "blog" needed to be "updated". Without having the faintest idea what this meant, I volunteered. I went to the website; I clicked on "News/Events"; I saw the word "Login"; I was prompted for a "username" and "password". Confused, I put in my email address and my password. I knew this was going to fail because I'd never divulged my password to anyone. To my amazement, a new blog was created. I telephoned for the correct "username" and "password". Within a few minutes, I posted the "update" and then went back to find the mysterious blog I'd order to delete it...but....maybe I'd keep it...see what might happen. A blogger was born.

For months, I wrote and wrote. Blogspot is good for writing; its imaging capabilities are dismal. This didn't matter. I was happy writing. No one was reading anyway. Then, I went to Varna, Bulgaria...for the International Ballet Competition...the oldest of such events...where Baryshnikov and other legendary dancers won gold medals (now, including Mathias Lenz Dingman!) A few people from an on-line dance forum knew I was going, knew about my blog, knew I'd be posting from an Internet cafe. They told others. Little did I know that I was the only person in the world leaking information about the competition. The ballet officials knew that all the "right people" from international magazines were in the audience. They'd publish articles...several weeks or a month later. Timely information wasn't their concern. Yet, plenty of people wanted to know, to read, to follow my blog for two weeks. From next to no hits, I had thousands.

All this was very nice...but it was ballet, not fiber artists. I knew I wanted a place for, an embroiderer, an artist, a complete person. Slowly, I'd found a few blogs to Dijanne Cevaal. Eventually, I found Blogspot and all the wonderful photos. I created this blog on August 10, 2006. For a while, I wrote on both blogs. I found other blogs and blogrings.

I tried to join "Fiber Arts Friends" blogring but was rejected the first time. There is this statement: RING DESCRIPTION: THIS RING IS CLOSED TO NEW MEMBERS AT THIS TIME. Something exclusive, serious, top-notched! I looked at member's blogs and knew that it was the group in which I wanted to belong. I sent a resume, digital images of work, statement, etc. to the blogring owner, Sue Bleiweiss. I tried again several months later and WAS ACCEPTED. My life hasn't been the same. It's better than I ever imagined. This is my personal reason for mounting CYBER FYBER. It is also the reason I'm having my first ever GIVE AWAY!

Leave a comment on this post. Next Saturday my husband Steve will draw a winner and several "honorable mentions"! Thank you to everyone who's ever read and/or commented. The inspiration and support has made a world of difference. I am truly grateful.


  1. Hi Susan, Well done on two year's worth of blogging, great stuff. I hope I make that long too. love and hugs to you.

  2. Congratulations Susan on your second Blogaversary! Your work is inspirational :)

  3. Congratulations Susan--you are an inspiration to all us bloggers and you deserve the best for all the hard work you put into your art.

  4. What an anniversary! Good job! With all the other wonderful things you do, it's amazing you have kept the blog up. And done it so well.

    I'm so pleased to have found it, even tho it has been only since the Cyber Fyber posts.

  5. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Congratulations! two years is quite a commitment - havent been reading your blog for all f the first two years, but plan to for the next two! Id love to be included in the draw, but the costs of sending framed art through post would be prohibitive. Its a beautiful piece.

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    me again...the costs would be prohibituive because im in Australia, I meant to say.

  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    While out there in google land came across your blog, your two year anniversary, and your art work done for Edisto. Sorry it didn't sell it looks lovely. I'm so lucky to live on Edisto.

  8. Susan, Congrats on your two year anniversary. I have a website, but no blog as yet. This encourages me to investigate setting one up. Thanks - Anne Marie (still posting under "birds of a feather", but the last name is Desaulniers). You have my info on the CF site.

  9. Happy Blogaversary, Babe! And you deserve being in one of the "in groups"!!!!

  10. Congratulations Susan, I hope you will go on for a long time!

  11. 2 years!! well done, I don't know where you find the time and energy :)keep up the good work.

  12. Thanks for passing by my blog, and congratulations on 2 years of blogging. It is a very addictive occupation, and I find your blog particularly inspiring.If I win the draw, will you bring it over yourself to England so we can meet? That would be a treat.
    Best wishes

  13. Wow Susan what a great two years you have had in blog world, you have recorded so much to show and created so many beautiful and inspiring creations. I treasure the two little pieces of 'Last Light Before Vespers' I traded with you and wish you continued success in your fiber art :o)

  14. What a busy and great 2 years you have had.
    I haven't always commented but your blog has been a great inspiration, thank you for that.
    Here is to the next 2 years.

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Two years, congratulations. You are an inspiration not only for your blog (mine has been up less than 6 months) but also for your needleart.

    Thank you

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Congratulations, Susan, and thank you for making Cyber Fiber possible.

  17. Congratulations on two years' blogging, and add me to the drawing, please!!

  18. Congratulations Susan. No need to enter me in the draw, you already share more than enough with your readers. I love the finished installation, by the way. Now some post cards of the details would be nice ( like you don't have enough to do! ) I read every day, even if I don't leave many comments.

  19. Congrates on so many fantastic posts - so much inspiration and so much delightful work!! Please enter me in your draw. Thanks too for your kind comments on my blog. Anna

  20. Susan ! What a fabulous post and a wonderful story!! Blogging has really been wonderful for so many of us and I am so thrilled that I have met you through both of our blogging adventures!!!
    Congrats and Big Hugs!

  21. Congratulations on two years of blogging! Fairy of Gold is another wonderful work of art! Your blog is one of my most favorite! An inspiration each and every post!

  22. Congrats on your 2 years, Susan. I wish I had half your energy and dedication. Cyber Fyber is gonna be the bomb! Don't be down about today's meeting - you're doing a great thing that I hope others will follow suit on. You should be very proud!

  23. You are an inspiration in many ways....if others only knew!! But, on the other hand, that's one of the many perks I get for being your sister! I hope you know that on the 15th you will be wearing yet another one of your hats ... that of my photographer at my wedding!! I love you!

  24. Well done on two years of honest, from the heart blogging. Your work is inspirational, both on the creative front and the organizational.

  25. Congratulations Susan!! You are an inspiration!!

  26. Thank you for sharing the story of how you came to blogging. And I am so glad that we found each other through Fiber Art Friends! You have touched and encouraged me so much. Thank you for blogging, for sharing your life and your heart!

  27. Susan your blog is so wonderful your work is always so ful of inspiration and the cyber fiber thing wel you are the best congrats from the netherlands

  28. Congratulations! Glad you stuck with it and glad that I "discovered" you.

  29. Wow! congraduations on your anniversary!! Your art is beautiful and deserves to be shared by all!
    cheers, Denise

  30. Congratulations on two years of blogging. I learned of you from the Cyber Fyber exchange, but will be reading more of your blog as well. I've only been blogging a few months and find it interesting that people just happen to find a post and leave comments for me. It is enjoyable.

    'Fairy of Gold' is a lovely piece, and it is quite nice of you to offer it as a gift. Whoever receives it will have a treasure.

  31. Susan, Wow two years of blogging on the 28th. We share an anniversary. It's 18 married years for me. To a DH who has always called me an artist. Now, Thanks to your encouragement and the Cyber Fyber Post I am starting to believe in my own creativity. I am so thankful for your energy and your commitment to getting others to share in your passion. I look forward to seeing what comes of putting myself out there for others to see. Your inspiration is contagious. Mary

  32. Congratulations, Susan! I'm getting ready for my 10,000th visitor, and will be giving that person a gift. Hope you'll give it a try, I'm letting everyone on my link list know about it...

  33. Congratulations on your anniversary your blog is an inspirational great work, all best wishes

  34. what a great story - and of course I can't miss the opportunity to have another piece of your work :)

  35. Hi Susan - Luv this piece ... it is sooo lacey perhaps that is why it appeals LOL!
    I read that you have been blogging 2 years -congrats - and it made me look to see when I had started ... goodness I missed it! - my 2 year anniversary was on April 19th!
    Britt West Aussie
