Friday, April 11, 2008

Vista Guild Board Meeting

I generally try not to post too much CYBER FYBER information on my "personal" blog....but....just in case there are people reading this one who might be planning a trip to the's the latest!

Last night was one of those sleepless ones....filled with anticipation and worry....wondering what words to choose during a brief presentation before the Vista Guild's board of directors....pitching CYBER FYBER and hoping for funding. The wonderful Deirdre Mardon (she's the nice lady closest to the camera) arranged for me to speak. I prepared packets of information including the working budget and a list of the countries and states involved. Each one received one of my fiber ATCs too. Most were interested in the possibilities of visitors coming from outside our city, if anyone is planning to come to Columbia next January, drop Deirdre an email. All in all, the presentation went well. My fingers are crossed that these folks voted to support the show financially! Thanks to Deirdre, I feel positive energy! This has been quite a learning experience.


  1. I've got my fingers crossed for you too Susan. I hope you hear soon.

  2. I hope they don't keep you waiting too long Susan. I'm sure your energy and enthusiasm would have won them over. Fingers crossed :)

  3. How could they say anthing but YES!! But I too will have my fingers crossed!

  4. I'll send an email because I would dearly love to come! Since we saw just a small display of the postcards in London, I can't even imagine the awesomeness (if that's a word) of your show! It will take hours and hours to look at everything and study techniques and designs, colors and textures. the way...I hope you know that I am just sort of assuming you will be my official photographer at my wedding!! I want mostly candid shots but maybe a couple traditional wedding pictures are a good idea.

    Did you get my postcard yet? Did you like it? I hope it is good enough for the show.

  5. I have my fingers -toes and eyes crossed for you Susan so I hope they make a decision soon because it is uncomfortable-(just kidding) I am sure they will jump at supporting CYBER FYBER they look like an intelligent group.
