Thursday, June 12, 2008


(Click on image to enlarge. Britta. Xylene transfer on tea-stained muslin with hand embroidery. The words read: Twins at age 42.)

Having a baby after one is forty is often impossible. As far as I'm concerned, having twins at age 42 is totally unthinkable...but it was exactly the decision made by my friend Britta, another talented fiber artist who also paints and creates incredible porcelain figures. (She is included in Pluckfluff's new publication, Intertwined.) Britta kindly sent a great photo for me to use in order to achieve this new piece in my current "Decision Portraits" series.

Today is also a BIG DAY. Steve and I have already picked up the twelve foot Penske rental truck and loaded it with the additional art for Blues Chapel in Pickens. We leave later this afternoon for the closing reception of Blues Chapel in Edgefield. Tomorrow's plan: Dismantle, load, drive, unload, install, drive home exhausted!


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Thank good that I can keep some sort of connection to the artworld even if I do not get to make art right now. I love my portrait and I love being part of an art project!! Maybe in 10 years or so I will get back to creating other things besides two beautiful babies.For right now that will have to be enough.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    As you can clearly all see my brain has not returned to "normal" yet. That should read "thank god".....

  3. I had my third and final child at 40, a full 10 years after the first two. He was an unexpected blessing! I couldn't believe the difference in how I felt during the last pregnancy as compared to the one 10 years before--much more tired, foggy brained, etc.

    Blessings on Britta and her babies.

  4. This is a beautiful addition. You know, you could make one of these for everyone in the world..everyone has their story. You capture are wonderful
