Monday, June 16, 2008

TAST...Week Two...Buttonhole Stitch

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Here's my buttonhole stitch. As I've admitted before, I usually use the same six stitches for everything. Buttonhole isn't one of them...but it is on the list of stitches I know and sometimes use. (Short list of about 20!) Generally, I do a buttonhole stitch around a bunch of threads that I've coiled around an object. To the best of my knowledge, this is called the Hedebo stitch...but it's really just a buttonhole stitch. I've created my Geode series using this stitch. Below is a detail on Geode II. I have yarn coiled around every paint container, can, jar, and any other round object in my studio when I work on one of these Geodes...and button hole all day long!


  1. love geode :-) must try this

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Susan - i have always admired your geodes - thanks for sharing how you made them. It doesnt matter how many stitches I know (or at least know about) I still gravitate to my old favourites - buttonhol is right up there!

  3. Susan, love the geodes. It looks like needlelace.


  4. Nice sample Susan--even though I did TAST last year I still use the same favourite stitches all the time.

  5. AHA! I had always assumed they were strictly the stitching on a meltable or dissolvable! Thanks for sharing this!!!!

  6. So that's how you do them! I've also admired them from afar! Buttonhole is just about my favourite - I use it all the time!

  7. Your work is A-mazing. I love the geode series - you were SO able to capture the essence of a geode. I DID forget about Dorset buttons(sort of like in your photo) & I have made quite a few of those so I guess I can say I've done lots of buttonhole stitching ! Not like yours.

  8. I need to someway combine your geodes with my geodes....
