Thursday, June 05, 2008

Three projects...three different ways to work!

(Click on image to enlarge. Above and below: Flora. Unframed: 17 1/4" x 8". Framed: 22 1/4" x 13 1/4". Embellished and stitched background with wired greenery, dyed silk pods, and beading.)

Every evening I've been forcing myself to do traditional needlepoint. The kneeler for Blues Bible is almost finished. I'm determined to finish it tonight. I hate it...but I want I'm stitching it. It is "project # 1". The work is slow, boring, and being utterly FORCED.

It was necessary, however, to do something FUN! Flora was exactly what I needed; a break...a little diversion in order that I could continue the kneeler. I made Flora to fit the green frame that was already made from leftover moulding. There's little crystals and seed beads inside each silk pod. It was "project # 2". The work was fast, fun, just a wonderful whimsy of play.

I've also been busy working on "project # 3", my Decision Portraits series. There will be lots of paperwork, emails, telephone calls, and in-depth conversations in order to line up the people whose images I want to use. This is "project # 3". The work is serious, long-term, and feels like an incredible journey already.

This week I shot my insurance agent....with my camera! His portrait will include stitched words: I Loved Her For 45 Years...The Last 15 With MS. The title will be: Husband. Yesterday I also went to the South Carolina State House. I'd arranged to meet three ladies right before 5:00. From 5 - 6 every Wednesday for the past five years or so, a group of individuals stands in silent protest. They are WOMEN IN BLACK. The stitched words will read: Standing in Silent Protest. The Title: Women in Black.

Some of the participants weren't wearing black this week. It was 100 degrees (that's 38 Celsius). Black just isn't a color for that sort of heat. I don't know how they do it. I was sweating from the moment I got out of my car. Standing there, week after week, is a real commitment...a personal decision. Please know, however, I'm also working on getting an image for Patriot. This project is not a religious, social, or political is about DECISIONS...any decision; good or bad; right or wrong; no value judgments attached...just a way to reflect on the choices we all make in life.

From the State House, I met Steve at the Liberty Tap Room. We were there for a charity event. Steve and I attend many such evenings for lots of good causes. I don't always blog about them...but, this one got me thinking about the different ways in which we work. The event benefited two organizations: Children's Miracle Network and Project Pets. Two different groups working together in a totally different setting. (Most charity auctions/fund raisers around here are held in rental halls, large private homes, etc....not in restaurants generally open to the public.) The food was incredible. I adored the ice sculpture. The crowd was great. There was a live band on the patio, raffle tickets, a silent auction, and more. They gave us T-shirts too. I'm sure lots of money was raised. It was nice to see a fund-raiser working in a new way.

1 comment:

  1. I admire you so much. And to beable to work on lots of projects at the same time....something I just don't seem to be able to do! Project 2 is wonderful...but I would have used all those seed beads (preferable petite seed beads) differently....ha ha because we are so different in our stitching!!! The Women in Black...very interesting. That's what the U.S. is all about. I love it. In fact, the whole posting reveals what Americans are about....diversity, possibility, the persuit of what you love and what you believe in. I'm now registered in Germany but I will never be mistaken for a German. And I am so proud that I am an American!!
