Friday, July 25, 2008

Poet in Process

I've been working on my newest piece in the "Decision Portrait" series. This one is called Poet. I was sent a digital photograph. Using Photoshop, I cropped it, removed the background, desaturated it, heightened the contrast and flipped the image. Above is a small version of the result. Below are two, over-sized photocopies. I used the lighter of the two.

Using xylene and lots of pressure, I transfered the photocopy ink into the tea-stained muslin.

Next, the fabric was pinned to white felt and decorative paper that sort of looks like lunar craters.

There are some straight stitches; but, otherwise, I've been beading ever since! Although I knew how I wanted this piece to look, I think the beading is a result of reading David Chatt: Two Hands, Twenty Years, and a Billion Beads. My friend Jeff Donovan actually got to see the exhibition currently at Penland. He bought the book and shared it. One of these days, I'm going to go to Penland....and I might never return! In the meantime, I'll dream about it while I bead!


  1. Can't wait to see the finished product...especially since I know your beading is exceptional and I love beading as well! I guess your cats don't jump up on you while you do it though....

  2. I love this idea Susan, it looks great!!!
