Monday, August 18, 2008

African Series Revisited, A New Laptop and a New Blog Look!

(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Still Happy. Mixed Media: Manipulated digital image on paper, fiber snippets, chiffon and polyester velvet, acrylics, and free motion machine embroidery. 16 1/4" x 21 3/4" or 41 x 54 cm. )

(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Mother. Mixed Media. Manipulated digital image on paper, fiber snippets, chiffon, emu feathers, acrylic, and free motion machine embroidery. 21 3/4" x 16 1/4" or 54 x 41 cm.)

Last week went by in a blur! I was so busy but I was also so EXCITED! While in Sweden, Steve and Mathias purchased a new laptop...just for me! I've only ever used a laptop on rare occasions so everything seemed new. Getting all my files and programs in place has been an adventure. I even worked on a video of the 80808 on 80808 exhibition at the gallery. This opened on 8.08.08, of course...while I was in Sweden. My Peacock Boxes are in this show...with a RED DOT! The potential clients loved it, bought it, and will have it in their home when the show closes on the 26th! Anyway, the new laptop goes with me for the six weeks MacNamara Foundation artist residency next month....hard to believe it comes up in only a month!

Also over the weekend Blogger made some changes to older blogs using "ancient" mine. Even my sister Wanda wanted to know why I didn't have a "Subscribe" button. I do....I think? If someone could let me know if this new function works, I'd appreciate it. I lost all the changes I had made in the past two years....generally using the html format. This new design is much, much easier! I've recreated the changes and found my site meter again....great cyber fun!

Coming back from a fantastic week in Sweden also meant I had to readjust to my old schedule. Almost as a "warm up" (though it took several days to complete!), I decided to revisit my older African Series. I'd already had the digital image on paper and mounted to a fabric base. I just hadn't really worked on these two with acrylics and fibers and stitch. I'm really happy with them. Once complete, I went back to working on my Decision Portrait back!


  1. Hurray! The "subscribe" works great! The site looks nice too. And the pieces in the African Series are so beautiful! Are the nose, eyes and lips of the Still Happy plastic that is sewn on? Whatever it is, the combination is incredible and the details are fantastic. Congratulations on the Peacock sell!! That's really great.
    And that is an awesome present you got! I hope you'll be able to at least write about residency if not post pictures as well. You are NONSTOP GIRL...wanna come over and visit me for a long weekend and just chill out when you get back?

  2. I added your blog to my feed and it works fine. I really enjoyed the photos and video of your swedish trip! How exciting for you! Looking forward to seeing how your artist in res. goes too!
