Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Family

(Click on image to enlarge. Happy Family. Stitched words: Max and his Mommys, Mommy Lori, Mommy Janet. Xylene Transfer on tea-stained muslin. Hand beading and stitching. 25" x 31" unframed. 31" x 37" framed.)

This is the first in the series to really use any colors and I'm pleased with the results. I knew that this portrait had to reflect a childlike happiness. The rainbow is perfect and simultaneously almost the colors found in the Gay Pride flag...except I didn't use two blues, indigo and cyan.

I've known Lori for years and years. She's the owner of my favorite fabric shop, The House of Fabric, also known as Chez Fabrique. Her grandfather started it and still lives above the Main Street shop. Her parents founded and run the professional theater here in Columbia, Trustus. As a result, the very best, most interesting, totally exotic, and every other "good" type of fabric for weddings, theater, dance, and specialty is just up the street from me.

Lori, Janet, and Max came by my studio several weeks ago. I took photos and they all signed a model's release....including Max (above)! Below is a detail from the finished piece. I used three different kinds of clear sequins under the variety of colored beads.


  1. This is really great...very happy with the colors. I really like it. Love the beads, of course. I've heard you mention them before and their great shop! Sure would love to go and spend some time there with you! Going to Munich tomorrow...get the keys to the new apartment on Wednesday! Yes, I have my camera so will be posting on Thursday!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. The gallery I belong to is participating in a "blues" event with the local museum, hosting a blues musician and a gallery walk. The blues theme made me think of you, of course.
