Monday, December 15, 2008

TAST and Miniature Grave Rubbing Quilt

(Click on image above to enlarge. We Will Meet Again. Miniature quilt created from vintage linen and lace on embroidered napkin. Crayon grave rubbing on silk. Hand and machine stitched. 10" x 10 1/4".)

(Above: Detail of We Will Meet Again. Click on image to enlarge.)

I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't stitch at least a little bit every day. With CYBER FYBER preparations, it can be difficult....but....not impossible! First of all, there's the weekly TAST challenge (Take A Stitch Tuesday) to keep me engaged. I've been stitching but not posting until today. So below are the last four stitches....including the running stitch!

Yes, the running stitch is likely the second stitch one learns...about two seconds after learning "the straight stitch"! It is, however, one of my favorites. I was reminded of its textural qualities last summer while in Sweden with Annica at the Swedish Embroidery Seminar. We were exposed to the soft, narrative inspired kantha clothes of India. I had no idea how profound this experience would be at the time, but I'm hooked on the running stitch. My grave rubbing quilts are full of them! I find it meditative to do.

Above is my TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday) example of the running stitch.

Above are examples of woven and whipped wheels. I selected several different types of ribbon, yarn, and thread with which to experiment including chenille, perle cotton, knitting tapes, and some that simply can't be stitched through any ordinary fabric but work for these stitches very well.

Above is the Palestrina stitch. This was a new one for me. I particularly liked the chunky effect created using variegated knitting yarn....upper right.

Above is the Oyster Stitch. This, too, was one that I'd never done....and likely will never do again! to learn the Basque stitch...whatever that is!

Check back later in the week....I'll be posting videos of the CYBER FYBER postcards and ATCs...teasers for the on-line exhibition! Don't forget to consider the Random International ATC Swap too!


  1. I absolutely love the mini quilt-and all those tiny running stitches.
    I can't believe that you can still find the time to stitch with all that you have going on at present.

  2. I just keep seeing all these stitches and thinking of how proud and amazed Grandma Lenz would be of you. Great work.

  3. Great samples! I could never figure out the Oyster stitch when I did TAST. Maybe you can teach me next time you come to Sweden :-)

  4. In some sick way I am relieved to read that you did not do the tatting as well!! I mean never did sleep much but now I think you are not sleeping at all!!! Great work Susan. I can't even imagine doing most of what you do. Maybe the footstool for the Blues Chapel I could have done

  5. Could you send me more info on TAST? But only if you don't get graded and stuff. I really like the idea but you know me and school...

  6. The mini-quilt is really lovely.
