Saturday, January 03, 2009


It's late! I've been working all day at Gallery 80808/Vista Studios where CYBER FYBER, the REAL....ACTUAL...PHYSICAL exhibition is currently hanging! There are "pre-lighting" photos on the "journal".

After some problems with the Internet connection and about an hour or two on the telephone with a nice lady at Verizon, the laptop is now working perfectly. The show is "connected". My artistic mentor Stephen Chesley helped to set the lights. All the invitational artwork is properly in place. Tomorrow I start work on the signage. At least the labels for all the postcards and ATCs are ready to stick into place!

The CYBER FYBER main page has been updated....especially the post about FIBER DAY. This includes lots of interior shots of this amazing store as well as images of House of Fabrics, a fantastic place that has donated a "stash" for the prizes.

By the addition to PEOPLE'S CHOICE for "favorite" postcard and "favorite" ATC, there are now two more prizes. I've enlisted Ellen Kochansky, an extremely talented fiber artist from Pickens, South Carolina who is in the midst of a textile installation residency at 701 Columbia Center for the Arts, to jury the awards for "BEST OF SHOW" postcard and "BEST OF SHOW" ATC! She has absolutely no idea just how many outstanding works with which she'll be faced....and have to chose just one! Poor Ellen!

I even stitched a little on my newest piece for the Decision Portraits Series. The work is also included in CYBER FYBER. The last thing I did today was to upload images onto MY FAMILY BLOG that were Mathias' trip to Japan....almost a year ago. I think he finally had to "do something" with the pictures in order to clear the camera's chip. Right now....even as I'm typing....Mathias and Birmingham Royal Ballet are in flight to a three week tour of China. I hope I don't have to wait a year for those pictures.


  1. Yes, Ellen really has her work cut out for her. I couldn't do it. No way! I'm so's almost here!

  2. It is so good to see this all coming together! I dont envy Ellen the job of picking a best of show, there are so many I could not whittle it down to just one!! And wow! Mathias going to China! So many things going on. Congratulations Susan!

  3. OOOO OO OOO SO close now!! Get some sleep too and eat properly :}
    Wish i could be there to help!

  4. Susan-
    Your dream of connecting artists through 'common threads' has become a reality for me--and I must say it is thrilling! Through a compliment left on my Cyber Fyber card, and visitS to a few linked blogs, I have been corresponding with a new friend from Australia, who shared loads of information and personal tips for my upcoming trip! It's as if we were trusted, old friends, yet we 'met' only 3 days ago through your brilliant concept. Getting to know someone through their creative expression is SUCH A TREAT! Thank you for all the effort you have put into the show--the color, textures, and diversity in the works is a feast for the senses. It's just BRILLIANT!
    Looking forward to the Opening Reception!

