Sunday, February 08, 2009

Despite the busy schedule...I've been working!

(Above: Grave Rubbing Quilt Series. 18th. Century Angel. Click on image to enlarge.)

The rubbing was made in Maine; it incorporates the chiseled relief from two very early with an angel and the other with a fern. The fabric is silk. The date on the tombstones was 1796. I appliqued the heat-set crayon rubbing onto a vintage piece of linen with an elaborate crocheted edge. The linen was damaged....the center had several holes and stains. I simply adore taking a discarded object and restoring it to a state of beauty. The background fabric was recycled from an office in the building where Gallery 80808/Vista Studios is located. The sun had stained the curtains. Dirt, errant sprays of paint, and neglect had taken its toll on the material. I asked the janitor if I could have it. He thought I was is the PERFECT coloring...the PERFECT weight and texture. It is also the PERFECT feel for this piece. The edge is a row of vintage buttons.

(Above: Detail of 18th. Century Angel. Click on image to enlarge.)

I hate really hate to write numerous posts on the same day. It takes too much time. It feels like I'm burying important parts of my life...not sharing....not organized. Yet, I couldn't help it this past week. I've been totally swamped with work and art and inspiration.

As busy as I've been, however, I've been stitching. Mostly I've been working on my newest series...Grave Rubbing quilts. I'm heavily into the next one even though one of these isn't truly finished.

(Above: Grave Rubbing Quilt Series. Early Grave. Click on image to enlarge.)

This is the piece that isn't quite finished. I see it as something more than a simple quilt. I've already bought a rusted, iron fixture to use with it. I envision a shroud....and modern words on sheer netting. I thing this piece is pivotal in the series as this piece is more personal than the others. After all, I'm turning fifty year old this summer.

Okay, I know I've been "claiming" to be 50 since early last year. I HATE all the ages ending with the number 9. Jack Benny forever ruined the age "39" and no one really believes those ages anyway. I went straight for the "big" number as soon as I thought I could. So....I've been claiming to be age 50 for over a year despite the fact that my birthday isn't until June 24th of this coming summer.

The grave in Maine coupled the words "50 yrs. 6 mos." with "early grave". Well, I certainly think dying at 5o would be an early grave! Somehow, I've got to get this piece to reflect my emotional response to seeing the grave. I've been experimenting with free-motion embroidery on netting for a stream-of-consciousness text to "float" over the quilt.'s my quilt....I'm still working on the proper way to display it!


  1. These small pieces have big impact ... both visual and emotional.

    As for your age, that last birthday was the completion of 49 years making this one your 50th year . I, too, am "guilty" of sometimes stating my age to be more advanced because of that reasoning.

  2. I love your vintage piece, you're right, the colour is perfect.
    Your 'shroud' suggestion brought to mind the lace mantilla I used to wear to church as a child.
    You have just run a blogging marathon! But as usual it was fascinating reading.

  3. I love this new series Susan.

  4. These gravestone quilts are fabulous. So sad and beautiful. I love them. It's giving me ideas for all of the photos I have taken of gravestones over the years.
