Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Grave Rubbing Quilts Stitched mostly in England

(Above, front and below, reverse: Grave Rubbing Quilt Series. God Called Her Home to Heaven. 17" x 12". Hand and free-motion machine embroidery on vintage guest towel. Crayon rubbings. Found, vintage photograph and lace. Reverse includes "Asleep in Jesus" rubbing. Click on images to enlarge.)

How others travel without a needle and thread is a concept I just don't understand. I love airplane, train, and car adventures...stitching while moving....drawing a thread through fabric while looking out a window. I took these two small grave rubbing art quilts with me to England and nearly finished both during the trip. Kantha stitching has truly inspired this series. I adore the notion of quilting together recycled materials, combining fabric and a sense of the past into something relevant. Okay....I've likely gone a bit overboard with the kantha stitch. Mine are small and close together....totally covering the entire area. I feel compelled to mark every square quarter of an inch with stitch! Yesterday I completed the reverse sides and photographed them.

I'm already at work on two other, larger grave rubbing quilts and stitching a new piece in my Decision Portrait Series, Dealing with Alzheimer's. I know I've promised a post on two of the embroidery exhibitions I saw in England....but I'm still working with my images and mulling over my observations....trying to put into words an otherwise visual experience.

Also while in England, I made more grave rubbings. These (further below) were created in the Warstone Lane Cemetery in the Jewelry Quarter....an amazing place started in 1847 that is no longer available for burials...lots of character! I nearly froze to death while making them....but it was worth it!

(Above, front and below, reverse. Grave Rubbing Series Quilt. The Just by Faith Shall Live Again. 14" x 18". Hand and free-motion machine embroidery on vintage linen and severely light damaged, recycled curtain scrap with found buttons. Crayon rubbing. Reverse: Vintage hand embroidered linen runner. Click on images to enlarge.)

(Below: Grave rubbings recently created in Birmingham, England. Click on image to enlarge.)


  1. I love these. (I think i told you that before)Seems like you had fun in England, good for you!

  2. Wow, you managed to do a lot of grave rubbings. Did you have to ask for permission? I would like to try this too.

  3. To Julie: I think the copyright has expired on these! (kidding)

  4. I am in awe of these pieces Susan ... I like all of them especially the "Just by Faith shall live again" piece ....brilliant.
    Britt in Australia

  5. Great pieces! I love the contrast of the delicate crochet, embroidery and the grave stone imagery.
