Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Wasted Words: War

(Above: Wasted Words: War. Altered/Artist book. Approximately 5" x 9" x 9" as shown. Fiber vessel created by machine cording and zigzag stitching. Contents: Ripped-and-rolled and ripped-and-stitched pages from World Book Yearbooks, 1962-75. Pages selected from articles about the Cold War and conflicts in Vietnam, the Middle East and elsewhere. Click on image to enlarge.)

Since completing Wasted Words: Global Warnings, I've continued to rip, roll, and stitch the long neglected pages and messages found in the World Book Yearbook, 1962-75, that have been collecting dust in my studio. Some of the articles about the evils of communism and"all things Russian" actually seem a little funny now. Yet, most of the words seem to jump off the pages out of sheer fear. Misunderstandings, cultural differences, impossible odds, greed, power, and righteousness seem to be at the heart of every conflict. Years later, people are still violently dying for what is perceived a good cause by one group and a good reason to kill by the other. So many lessons seem not to have been learned. So many wasted words! Okay, I'm a total pacifist.

(Above and below: Details from Wasted Words: War. Click on images to enlarge.)

The two "Wasted Words" pieces have now been entered for consideration to The Center for Book Arts in New York City. I also submitted an older piece, Song of Stones, completed in 2005. Since I didn't have a blog then, I've never posted images of this work. In fact, I didn't even have digital photos until today!

(Above and below: Song of Stones. 2005. Fiber vessel hand beaded with miniature river stones and stiffened on the outside with matte medium. Contents: Three pamphlet styled booklets with original poetry free motioned onto recycled black denim. Click on images to enlarge.)

I've found it very interesting to look at this original vessel/book again. I'd pretty much forgotten about it. Yet, it exists as proof of my continued love affair with stitched words and Thai Stucco paper. The booklets are made of this unique paper that resembles moon craters. Every one of my Decision Portrait Series pieces is mounted on it. I'm buying it in bulk from Legion Paper. I've never really thought about my own "style" but stitching text is definitely part of it! I love words. I love stitching them. I guess I always have....even to the point of using my own poetry, rough as it is!

(Above and below: Song of Stones. Click on images to enlarge.)


  1. Fantastic, I absolutely love these pieces, I'm sure they will snap them up for the exhibit.

  2. The older you get, the more you realize that these wars are just more of the same. Lives and resources, as well as words, just wasted. Great piece.

  3. The older vessel and stone piece is really neat. Very unique...and, I dare say, very "you". The Wasted Words:WAR...well, that certainly is a subject close to my heart. The piece is beautiful. It makes me sad....probably because of the subject matter. But maybe that's what it is supposed to do.....make least feel SOMETHING!
