Monday, September 19, 2011

Jillian's aka The ReFashionista

(Above: Jillian and me at the Jasper Magazine launch party.)

Last Thursday Steve and I went to the launch party for a new arts publication called Jasper. I ran into Jillian, aka The ReFashionista. She looked amazing ... in a "brand new-to-her" dress. A photo was snapped and I ended up on her blog ... which isn't just any ordinary blog! Jillian is using her blog to document a year-long challenge. She's altering a garment a day! Last Thursday was day 78. Check out her full blog post for this dress HERE. To visit the entire, on-going blog, click HERE. Jillian has altered all sorts of outdated outfits ... even a soccer jersey into a skirt and she's made mouse-shaped cat toys from big, '80s shoulder pads. Very cool! Very talented!

(PS Jillian ... If you don't want to continue with the cat toys ... please pass the shoulder pads on to me. I've got three cats and no toys!
PSS Jillian will accept donation of slighted used, out-of-style garments. I'm raiding the back of my closet! She said I could drop them off at the South Carolina Arts Commission where she works.
PSSS I met Jillian when she posed for my Decision Portrait Series. The piece is called Bald is Beautiful. Jillian had her head shaved to benefit kids with cancer. Click HERE to read more about this amazing decision.)


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I can't believe how quickly your residency has passed and how much you've accomplished in that time! Your foray into bookbinding looks wonderful, especially the coptic bound 'He said, She said". Really looking forward to seeing how the things you learned on your residency feed into your work.

  2. I wonder if Wanda still has that way funky groovy denim fringe pantsuit....and I wonder what she would make out of it!
