Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Unearth and new studio

(Stitching on a grave rubbing art quilt. Photo by Kristine Hartvigsen.)

Sunday was "unearth: A Celebration of Naturally Inspired Art" at Saluda Shoals Park. Along with 25 other juried artists, I sat at a table along one of the many wooded trails and demonstrated my art and showed off various creations.

(Above: Me talking about art and nature. Photo by my husband Steve Dingman.)

I talked about how nature is a constant reminder that society needs to preserve its precious resources and how my artwork is thereby influenced through repurposing fabrics and other materials. The weather was glorious. Music filled the air. (Some of the artists were musicians and the Lake Murray Symphony was also there for a free concert.)

(Above: Wayne Thornley and me. Photo by fellow artist, Lisa Donovan.)

Lots of people were out walking their dog. Others came as entire families. There were even bicyclists and power walkers. I heard over 3000 enjoyed the day. I got to catch up with several friends and fellow artists. Some took terrific pictures too.

(Above: One of my acorn vessels. Photo by Wayne Thornley.)

(Above: Acorn cap gems. Photo by Kristine Hartvigsen.)

It was fun to wake up on Monday morning and find photos of my work and me on Facebook. Otherwise, Monday was the day that my husband Steve left for a week in England. He'll be visiting our elder son Mathias and his girlfriend, seeing them dance in Birmingham Royal Ballet's triple bill.

So ... I'm "stuck" at Mouse House, our business. Yet, it isn't that bad this time! Why? I turned one of the back storage rooms into a NEW STUDIO. This space is intended for 3D sculptural art. After all, the drill, miter saw, screw drivers, vises, clamps, wood stains, dremel and all our other tools and materials are here. I don't need to carry these back and forth from my off-site studio. There's no more space there anyway! I've been "hunting and gathering" things for this project for almost a year ... odd assortments of Victorian furniture parts, clock cases, antique objects, etc. It was high time to START MAKING SOMETHING!

(Above: The new 3D studio at Mouse House. Click on image to enlarge.)

Monday was productive! The first thing I created was a lectern for The Book of the Dead ... which is very nearly finished! I'll be posting photos soon.

(Above: Lectern for The Book of the Dead. Click on image to enlarge.)

The lectern was made from Victorian furniture parts and used a piece of beveled glass (all purchased at Bill Mishoe's auction during the last year). I wanted the book to rest against something transparent ... so that the cover will show from the other side. I can't wait to put the book on this lectern!


  1. You not only told me , but now I séé you had a lovely SUNday (in both ways ;-)!!!)
    O my, that acorn basket ...! WOW!
    Your new studio is swell and I'm curious what will be made there ...

  2. I love that photos of your hands! How gorgeous. ;)

  3. Can't wait 'til your Dad sees this!

  4. Love these images...hope Hubby enjoyed time in Birmingham watching that talent son and girlfriend of his?xx Your work is beautiful and l love the acorn basketx Lucky u having new studio..enjoyxxlynda

  5. The Victorian door awaits you...only catch is you have to come up and get it....say Christmas time???
