Thursday, January 26, 2012

Columbia Open Studios: I was on TV this morning!


  1. Congratulations Susan! It is too bad that none of your work was shown though. I am sure that the open studios will be great fun!

  2. Congratulations, Susan! I'll be interested to hear how the sessions go in April.

  3. I too kept looking for examples of your stupendous art! Stained glass; graverubbings, SOMETHING!!!!
    but you were very adept at winding thread!!! LOL Fun to see you "in person"!!!

  4. Yeaaaah ! That was lovely to see you and hear you talking ! This event will be a wonderful opportunity to let a lot of people enjoy the things you make !!!
    Hope it's a great succes in April

  5. yeh..l get to see and hear youxxxxamazingxx

  6. Well done Susan, you were very welcoming to people who might be thinking of coming to the exhibition. I hope the Open Studios is a great success. People will be coming to see what you did with the cotton reels :-) Now I know how you get so much done, you are never still! I agree it was a shame they didn't inlcude a glimpse of your own work.
