Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Getting Ready for a "HOT" Workshop

(Above: The Studios of Key West ... exhibition space turned workshop! This is the amazingly well lit, spacious setting for HOT, my fiber workshop tomorrow! Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)

Of course I'm working on various fiber projects here at The Studios of Key West. I started three new "Lancet Windows" (smaller faux-stained glass fiber pieces). One is finished. One only needs the final melting. One is ready to have a soldering iron melt various holes into it. Five more designs are waiting. It is amazing just how much work one can do when given "the gift of time". (Photos coming soon!)

Yet, that's not all I'm doing. I'm riding my bicycle everyday. Yesterday I went to Mallory Square near sundown ...

... to see sailboats on the open sea ....

... to see jugglers throwing knives and flaming torches while perched atop unicycles ...

... to see silly dogs perform routines, tarot card readers, gymnasts, street musicians, and souvenir vendors. I also walked through a maze like "seashell" shop which included ...

... blow fish ...

... alligator heads ...

.... colorful mobiles ...

... starfish ...

... and, of course, plenty of shells.

(Above: Seats for the participants to use while watching me demonstrate. Please note, that in the background are three "pods" of four tables. These are the students work tables. Thus, each participant actually has TWO chairs!)

Tonight from 6 - 7 was "Meet and Greet". This was a casual opportunity for the public and the staff to talk to the three artists-in-residence. Anne Ireland is a talented painter from Maine. Kristin Michelle is an actress appearing in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Waterfront Playhouse. Her residency is an example of the partnerships that go on between local arts organizations here in Key West ... really amazing support! We each talked and answered questions.

(Above: Ironing stations!)

Afterwards, I got to set up my space for tomorrow's sold-out HOT workshop. This is a one-day opportunity for me to gently guide people through various heat activated processes for contemporary embroidery. Never before have I had so much assistance, so much space, and such a creative, artistic setting for a workshop. It's going to be FUN!

(Above: Materials table ... never before have I had so much space to spread out "the stuff"!)

(Above: View from the seats to the "demo" table.)

There's even an overhead mirror for the demo table! This is more than I ever dared to hope for in a workshop setting!

So ... goodnight from Key West ... full moon to sleep by!


  1. Ooh that moon shot is lovely! ; ) You'll laugh when you see my pictures. : )


  2. What great pictures! I love the blowfish the know why! And wow...purple starfish! We never found any of THOSE when we were younger!! ha ha Your workshop space is amazing Susan. I just can't believe it...the whole thing. The support, the whole program, everything! I sure hope the workshop went well and I so look forward to hearing about it! What an awesome experience this is for you! I'm not the jealous type but.....
