Sunday, March 25, 2012

Twelve "Window Series" pieces complete!

(Above: Twelve finished "Windows" on the front porch of my residency cottage. Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)

Yesterday I finished melting the twelve piece on which I've been working. They are all in my "Window Series" ... small, faux-stained glass in fibers. I shot them on the front porch here at my residency cottage at The Studios of Key West. They are in the same order as the pictures I shot of these pieces in progress shown a couple of days ago. It is simply amazing how much work one can accomplish when provided with "the gift of time" !

(To experience a month-long residency in "paradise", check out the application ... which isn't due until May 15!)

(Above: Window XXVII. Click on any image to enlarge.)

I haven't been "working" every hour of every day. That really isn't the point of a successful residency. One must experience the place, the feel, the atmosphere, and the people in the residency location. I've been doing just that ... especially on the provided bicycle.

(Above: Window XXXIX.)

There are all sort of opportunities to interact with other artists here at The Studios of Key West. Last week I filled in for a model who cancelled at the last moment ... for a figure painting workshop under Russian trained/Art Student League teacher Leonid Gervits, now of NYC. Yes ... this meant nude! The experience of watching participants struggle to get my body proportions correct, the coloring exact, and the setting put down in oils made my job of "standing very still" seem easy by comparison. Later, Mr. Gervits and I had a chance to talk about art and the daily work of just "being an artist." (There are obviously NO PHOTOS from this modeling session!)

(Above: Window XLVIII.)

Another workshop being conducted here was "Capture Key West: Digital Photography" taught by Allen Rokach. I was invited to sit in on some of the critique sessions ... which provided me insight into new ways to use Photoshop and new ways to use my camera.

(Above: Window XXXVIII.)

Yet another evening was spent with Bonnie Rychlak, a former curator at the Isamu Noguchi Museum. Her presentation to Key West Sculpture was excellent ... and right outside my door ... on the patio attached to my residency unit!

(Above: Window XLVI.)

I've visited plenty of art galleries too. The local talent is amazing and artists are actually reporting great springtime sales in this resort community.

(Above: Window XLV.)

Last night, however, I took a little break. I went to The Sports Page, a bar and grill. Even here in "paradise", I'm aware of "March Madness" and the fact that my Ohio State Buckeyes were playing in the "Elite Eight". The Sports Page is owned by people originally from Ohio ... who played our fight songs, the Alma Mater, and "Hang on Sloopy" thoughout the evening for the mostly OSU supporting crowd. It was a great game, exciting down the very last moments.

(Above: Window XLIV.)

Tonight I'm planning to attend the local production of Kiss Me Kate.

(Above: Window XLIII.)

On Tuesday night I'll attend the Waterfront Playhouse's production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee featuring one of the other artists-in-residence, Kristen Michelle.

(Above: Window XLVII.)

I'm starting a new "In Box Series" piece ... due to having so many little scraps of polyester stretch velvet on my ironing table due to the construction of so many faux-stained glass fiber pieces. I'm trying to plan the next few days carefully ... for maximum productivity. My time in "paradise" is too quickly coming to an end.

(Above: Window XL.)

(Above: Window LII.)

(Above: Window XLI.)

Before I end this blog post, however, I want to share a special story from yesterday afternoon. A family dropped by my cottage. I knew they might come because their "Uncle Marvin" contacted me about a month before I came to Key West. His mother used to own this structure. His family might be in Key West during my stay ... and they were! Of course I gave them a "tour"!

Above is the family of Norma and Gene Gootee, the former owners of 607 Ashe Street. Several of her granddaughters, who remember chalk painting on the front sidewalk and where the only bathroom was located, were nearly brought to tears at how wonderful the place looks. It was quite clear that the attention to preservation, architectural details, and to overall beauty given by The Studios of Key West made this family very, very happy. Parting words included, "Grandma would be so proud!"


  1. It doesn't seem five minutes since you started at Key West. I hope you have an amazing final week. And how wonderful to be able to share the memories of the family of the former owners of your cottage.

  2. Sorry, Susan, the previous imac comment was from me. My DH has been using my laptop while his is out of action.

  3. The work is really coming along! If you get a chance to go down Love Lane next to the library, I used to live in the house on the left. We had some great avocado trees in that yard....I hope they are still there.

  4. Your "windows" are great Susan !
    (Love XXXVIII and XXVII best)

  5. OMgoodness...beautiful just get better and better my friendxxx

  6. Susan, what a joy to enjoy your journey with you. What beautiful art you are creating and what a fabulous experience. I look forward to your blogging.

  7. amazing
    love it
    love it
    love it

  8. I LOVE these little guys! They are so tiny...such little pieces! Of course I would love these! Wonderful. I can just imagine how the family felt visiting a part of their past. I think they were lucky to have you as a tourguide! I am sorry I was sort of behind on your blog. Lots going on here but we're making it!
