Monday, May 28, 2012

Solo Show in Fredericksburg, Virginia ... and more from the SC Book Festival

(Above: Me ... after completing the installation of my solo show at the Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts. Click on any image in this blog post to enlarge.)

I admit it ... I'm busy and behind on my blogging once again!

There's a good reason for the my delayed posting. I'm been working toward an exciting opportunity to share my work as a solo show at the Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts (FCCA) in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Yesterday Steve and I were on the road by 5:30 AM with a car load of art.

We arrived in the early afternoon at the historic Silversmith House (ca. 1785) along the banks of the Rappahannock River. Everything was in full bloom around the brick filled, half timber building that now serves as the area's oldest art center. The non-profit organization was founded in 1963 and is a vital part of the community, hosting over twenty national and regional exhibits a year. I'm thrilled to be one of them!

(Above: Fiber Architecture: Buildings in Stitches. Click on image to enlarge.)

This is a perfect location for a series of my work focusing on architecture! What could be better than displaying "buildings in stitches" inside a historic house? For me, it was a great way to see how my interests in architecture has both changed and remained the same over time! I know, that's a paradox ... but it is also true. The show includes some older pieces, especially from my "Elements of Architecture Series" as well as lots of new work. The focus has remained on details. Over the years, my focus has become keener, more specialized. I used to incorporate larger parts of favorite architectural style. Now, I tend to concentrate on the decorative motifs and ornamentation on great, historic buildings ... especially the windows!

(Above and below: Fiber Architecture: Buildings in Stitches. Solo show at FCCA.)

Steve and I were greatly helped by FCCA Members' Gallery Coordinator (and Facebook friend ... and fellow fiber artist!) Elizabeth Woodford. Her blog is great and her classes for beading are been scheduled all over the country! We finished the installation in time to trek back to Columbia, South Carolina by 10:15 PM! Long day ... but a really GOOD one.

(Above: Me ... after we finished installing!)

The reception for my show and the "Regional Juried Exhibition" that fills the upper level will be during "First Friday", June 1st. Steve and I will be driving back up I-95 for this special evening. I'm very excited.

(Above: Panel discussion at the South Carolina Book Festival, including author Ann Hite.)

Now ... last weekend! Yes ... I got caught up with my blogging from a trip to the UK but I didn't manage to write a thing about a very, very important weekend! I finally got to meet Ann Hite, author of Ghost on Black Mountain. We've been corresponding for almost a year!

(Above: Ann Hite reading from Ghost on Black Mountain.)

Another Internet friend put Ann and me together through emails. Why? Well, Ann has a three-book deal with Simon & Schuster. Ghost on Black Mountain is the first of the three. About a year ago, while deep into writing book two, Ann had hit a snag with one of her characters named Faith. For the sake of the plot, Faith needed to spend time in a cemetery but there wasn't a really good reason for her to actually be there. Now, Faith is an artist who creates grave rubbing art quilts! Sound familiar? I'm so flattered.

More importantly, Ann has been a great supporter of my work. She's encourage me in more ways than I can fully describe. Steve and I had Ann, her talented husband Jack, and their daughter Ella over for dinner. It was a magical evening.

(Above: Ann Hite, Ella, and Jack at the South Carolina Book Festival.)


  1. Fabulous Post and great pictures!! thanks for spreading the FCCA love!! I particularly like the shot of you with the FCCA sign!!! See you Friday!

  2. I was wondering where you'd been! Lovely installation!

  3. Your work looks at home in that setting Susan. I hope your solo show is a great success. And how great to be the inspiration for a character :-)

  4. Anonymous1:58 AM

    A grave rubbing quilt making character - now that really is cool!!

  5. You are my inspiration in many ways, Susan. Taking time out from an early morning writing, drinking a cup of tea, and looking at these wonderful photos of your show. You are amazing, my friend.
