Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jasper Magazine is an exciting, new bi-monthly arts publication in Columbia, South Carolina.  It is now in its second year covering dance, theater, music, visual arts, literary arts, and film.  Backing up its printed magazine pages, there's an interactive website, blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account. 

Last month a call went out for nominations for "Jasper Artist of the Year" in fiver different categories:  Dance, Theater, Music, Literary Arts, and Visual Arts.  I was fortunate enough to be nominated more than once!  Yesterday three finalists were announced.  I'm one of them ... obviously in "Visual Arts"!

Now ... I need votes! 

I am the only female visual artist and the only artist working in fibers!  Please vote for me by CLICKING THIS LINK ... then scroll down for the Visual Arts Category and submit your vote.  Please also check out the other very worthy visual artists: Lyon Hill and Thomas Crouch.  It is an honor to be in their company!  To view the Jasper page featuring my work for this award, click HERE!  One vote per computer!  Thanks so much!   


  1. OK, you got my vote! good luck to you!

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Voted good luck !

  3. Done, Susan! Best wishes for success and congratulations on the nomination. :-)
