Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Decision Portrait Blog ... reads like a book!

(Above:  The forty pieces that will be on display in Houston.  Click on image to enlarge.)

In anticipation of going to Quilt Inc's. 2012 International Quilt Festival in Houston later this month, I totally revamped the entire Decision Portrait Series blog.  It used to be a place to explain the series to potential participants.  Then it was a place to document the work being produced.  Now ... IT READS LIKE A BOOK ... alphabetically arranged.  Each piece includes an image that can be enlarged for closer inspection and "the rest of the story" behind the work.

So, I'll be sitting with my solo show in Houston... right in the middle of the special exhibitions area ... for four days, November 1 - 4 ... talking about the series, the pieces on view, and the various decisions I stitched while creating the 107 total works.  Forty of the works will be with me ... but the others will be easily available on the Internet.  I will also be stitching on piece 108.  It is VERY SPECIAL.  It is one of the pieces I most wanted to stitch when actively making this work.  The decision was a fatal one, a fifteen year old girl who didn't buckle up.  Her Mom misses her and wants to spread awareness.  Her Mom is also a quilter.  It is my honor to stitch this piece in public.

Please visit the new Decision Portrait Series blog ... and, if there's something "wrong", let me know ... before Halloween when I'll be flying to Texas!    


  1. Visited that blog earlier this afternoon, Susan; it's a wonderful series. Alas I cannot get to Houston (this year, anyway)...perhaps you will publish your notes about each piece one of these days?

  2. Have a ball at Houston!
