Monday, December 16, 2019

Anonymous Ancestors Going to Lander University

 (Above:  In Our Day, We Were Fashionable and Were First to Own Every Modern Gadget for The Wall of Ancestors.  18" x 12". Click on either image to enlarge.)

At the end of October when my solo exhibition, Last Words, closed at the Caldwell Art Council in Lenoir North Carolina, I was depressed.  (Click HERE to see that show.)  I didn't have another solo show scheduled. It felt strange, almost bewildering ... as if "something" were wrong.  Maybe that's because something really was amiss. 

It didn't take me long to figure out what was really bothering me.  I didn't have a single solo show proposal "out there" ... anywhere at all.  How could any venue offer me an opportunity if I hadn't sent some sort of information?  There was only one thing to do: Get busy sending proposals!   

(Above:  Short All My Life for The Wall of Ancestors. 26" x 17 1/2".)

Most venues schedule more than a year in advance.  So, I wasn't expecting immediate results, just the knowledge that I was "in the running".  I planned on crossing my fingers and toes and perhaps getting a response for 2021 or 2022 ... but something WONDERFUL happened very, very quickly!  There was an unexpected opening at the Monsanto Gallery on the Lander University campus for this coming February.  After a few correspondence emails, the contract arrived and I am thrilled to say that Anonymous Ancestors will be on view from February 27 to March 27th.  It's a good thing ... especially since I can't seem to stop making more and more work for that opportunity.  The two pieces in this blog post were done this past week ... as sort of a celebration for the upcoming exhibit!

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