Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Four new "Window Series" pieces.

(Above:  Window CLXXVIII.  Framed 19" x 17".  Polyester stretch velvet on recycled black industrial felt with free-motion machine embroidery and melting techniques. $265. Click on any image to enlarge.)

"Sheltering in Place" is very much like "studio time".  Productivity is high because I'm not coping with my normal balancing act ... custom picture framing vs. art-making.  There are no clients.  No one is coming to browse.  The door is locked.  Framing shops have been deemed "non-essential" (mostly because framing shops really are non-essential) and so we are closed until at least April 27th if not longer.

(Above:  Window CLXXVII.  Framed 19" x 17".  Polyester stretch velvet on recycled black industrial felt with free-motion machine embroidery and melting techniques. $265.)

These COVID-19 days are both exhilarating and scary.  I love being in my studio, making artwork, and especially the lack of interruptions, but there is a looming reality.  We have no income either.  How long can we keep this up?  We don't really know! Yet, Steve and I are in a far better place than many others.  We own our building.  We cannot go into arrears with regards to rent.  Steve is brilliant when it comes to finances.  His advice has been, "Just keep making new work because one day there will be a new normal and it will include art !"

(Above:  Window CLXXVI.  Framed 19" x 17".  Polyester stretch velvet on recycled black industrial felt with free-motion machine embroidery and melting techniques. $265.)

So ... I'm taking his advice!  One day galleries will open.  One day people will want framing and fiber arts.  It is my job to use this time wisely ... and MAKE ART! Happily, I'm up to that task!  Plus, we've found an important way to help others!  Next week on Wednesday, our back parking lot and garage will become the drop-off point for Gruber Farm's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program.  This local farm used to have two downtown drop-off locations but both are closed.  No one is in either building.  Even though Mouse House is closed, we are here!  We live above the shop.  Our back yard is safe, secure, and can accommodate contactless pick-ups of fresh produce.  Steve and I are excited to be saving fresh strawberries from a fate of rotting in the fields ... for eager mouths like ours to eat!  This is going to be great!

(Above: Window CLXXIX.  Framed 19" x 17".  Polyester stretch velvet on recycled black industrial felt with free-motion machine embroidery and melting techniques. $265.)


  1. I always love seeing your new pieces, but CLXXIX seems particularly appropriate right now! The bright jewelly colors and bird make me feel very Eastery and filled with hope. Thank you for sharing!

  2. These pieces are striking! Your husband has such a great attitude regarding your work. Thanks again for participating as a food drop-off location.
