Friday, May 08, 2020


 (Above:  Twenty-eight postcards.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

It all started when I realized that I'd made fifty-one compositions in my recent Laundry Day Series.  I only intended to make fifty.  So, I threw the last one onto a stack of pages from Charles Richardson's English Language Dictionary (1846) that were already fused to fabric and loosely stitched.  Some of these pages became part of my Great Quotation Series, a project that ended a couple years ago.  The extra pieces were just "sitting there gathering dust". An idea occurred!  Why not cut all these things up and turn them into postcards? 

 (Above:  Postcards being glued to sheets of colored paper.)

A few minutes at my paper cutter, the stack was transformed into twenty-eight 4" x 6" rectangles.  Something was needed for the back ... a place for an address.  Paper was required.  Another idea occurred!  I remembered a gift from a friend.  Years ago Joe Wider gave me a package of intensely colored paper.  I used matte medium to attach the postcards to several of the 6" x 9" pieces of paper.  The next day, they were trimmed and flattened in my dry mount press.  They are now ready to be mailed ... and the first twenty-seven people to contact me with their physical mailing address are going to get one! 

 (Above:  The Color-aid package donated to my stash by Joseph Wider.)

Why just twenty-seven since I made twenty-eight?  Well, the first one (selected at random) is already stamped and on its way to Joseph Wider!  THANKS! 

 (Above:  The back of the Color-aid package.)

Leaving an address as a public comment is probably a poor idea.  My email address is a better place!  It's!  Steve and I have bets on how long it will take for me to run out of postcards.  As I'll put this on Facebook, I'm not thinking it will take too long!


  1. Another brilliant idea! I love your 'waste not, want not' ethic.

  2. That is really sweet. I have sent off an email.
