Thursday, June 25, 2020

In the meantime

 (Above:  Newspaper Rock, detail.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

While making work that squarely falls into a series, I am also working on other projects.  Many others call them "one-offs" but I don't really like that term.  There's something about it that sounds a touch negative.  Likely, that comes from the "off" part of the term.  Something that is "off" doesn't sound quite "on"!  These "in the meantime" pieces are important to me.  They prevent me from getting bored with the regular series under construction.  They seem to keep me fresh, involved, and motivated.  They seem to keep me engaged in my studio practice and even entertained.  They are this things that provide a "high" feeling of starting something new and different and the happy/accomplished/satisfied feeling when finished.  So, this post shows a few of these recently stitched pieces!

(Above:  Newspaper Rock, 33 1/2" x 24 1/2" framed; 27" x 18" unframed.  Framed: $450. My digital images printed on fabric with free-motion machine and seed stitching by hand, combined on handmade paper with beading.)

It took several evenings to hand stitch the background area on these two pieces of fabric.  Dull burgundy thread was intentionally used in order to combine the two with pieces of handmade paper.  The images came from photographs I took in 2018 when Steve and I visited Newspaper Rock in Utah.

(Above:  Newspaper Rock.)

The place was amazing!  Stories from the past seemed to come alive.  I shot dozens of images.  The website includes plenty of other shots and more information.  CLICK HERE to access.  It was wonderful to think about the trip while stitching the piece.

 (Above:  Remains, in a green dyed burl wood frame.  Artwork:  5 1/2" x 3 3/4"; framed 10 1/4" x 8 1/4". $60 framed.)

Another thing I enjoy doing "in the meantime" is to use scraps from other projects.  When I trimmed/ripped apart the stitched work that became Nike's Advice Triptych and four, square pieces, I took the scraps and made to little works.  I call them "remains".
 (Above:  Remains.  Artwork 3 5/8" x 3 1/8"; framed 7 1/4" x 6 3/4". $40 framed.)

During the past few weeks, I've been pouring artist-grade, UV filtering epoxy over artwork ... and some of the time, I didn't quite have enough epoxy to cover a few, small pieces including ...

Tessera VIII.  This one is 14" x 10" and $95.

And, Tessera IX.  This one is 7" x 7" and $60.  I like having these "in the meantime" pieces going while working on other things.  It keeps me happy!

1 comment:

  1. from the looks of your art journey - everything in the end - comes into it's own - work - be it series or one-of. Note "of" - of gives the art work to become a series if in the future...
