Thursday, July 30, 2020

Misfits, a mini art quilt

(Above:  Misfits, 12" x 12".  Manipulated digital image printed on fabric with free-motion and hand embroidery.  Click on either image to enlarge.)

I honestly thought that by now COVID-19 would be mostly under control, fewer art exhibitions would be "virtual only", and that I wouldn't be stitching yet another image of creepy dolls as a response to this pandemic.  Yet, that isn't the case.  Just yesterday, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced 1,666 new confirmed cases and forty-eight confirmed deaths. Our total numbers stand at 85,423 confirmed cases and 1,551 confirmed deaths.  Our numbers are dreadful.  We are among the states that experts suggest should shutdown again.  

(Above:  Misfits, reverse.)

Many people talk about wanting to "get back to normal" or "come to the 'new normal' ", but that can only happen when we "get out of the woods".  We aren't there yet and the edge isn't in sight.  I guess I'll start stitching on yet another digital images of creepy dolls.  I wonder how long this will go on?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, your dolls are creepy! I love being able to see the close up with all your mark making stitches, and I like seeing the back too, thanks for that.

    California is in a similar situation. I'm angry and frustrated at people who won't wear a masked and there are a lot of them.

    Stay safe.
