Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Learning new tricks in a remote setting

(Above: Fellow SAQA professional level member Vicki Conley and me visiting in the provided art residency housing at Great Basin National Park)

The Internet is a wonderful thing when it works! Here at Great Basin National Park, my access isn’t extremely limited, but after struggling to post my first blog entry, I was rewarded with an email from another SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associate) member who just happened to be camping in the Park. We talked about residencies, art quilts, and the life of working professional artist. It was great!

(Above: My cargo van outside the residency house)

Since then, I haven’t been able to use my iPhone hotspot for more than a minute or two. Perhaps this is Verizon’s way of convincing me that I need to upgrade my 3G device! LOL!

So, I’m trying to learn how to use my poor phone to blog directly. Below are images from inside the house!



  1. So glad you were able to hook up with mom for a short visit! When she called and told me they were detouring home (away from fires) through Great Basin, I blurted out oh! Susan Lenz is there! Always fun to have serendipitous meetups!

  2. Good job posting this! Looks and sounds like a wonderful place and time. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading more.

  3. Always a pleasure to see where you are and what you are doing. Is your cargo van outfitted for artwork while traveling? Or do you have it set up for camping? You work on so many projects when in residence, I wonder how you decide what to pack.
