Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Lockdown! My article in Australia's "Textile Fibre Forum" magazine

(Above:  The first page of my article.  Click on any image to enlarge and read.)

The mail recently brought a copy of Textile Fibre Forum, a 100% Australian owned textile art magazine in which my article "Lockdown!" was published. I am so impressed and also happy to report that working with the staff was a fabulous experience.  The layout is so professional and perfect ... not only for my article but the entire magazine.  The range of textile arts is diverse in approaches but also runs the gambit from cutting edge to more traditional.  If I were in Australia, I certainly would be a subscriber. 

I absolutely adore the way the text on each page is superimposed on one of my artworks. Writing this article was a bit of a challenge.  Why?  Well, I'd already written an article for SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) Journal and an article for my SAQA region's newsletter.  To write another, pandemic response article forced me to really think about my concepts and to remember the thoughts I had when starting new work and especially how my Clothesline Installation morphed from an art residency project to a visual display reminding please to "Wash Your Hands". 

The article forced me to step back and see the relationship between the different works I stitched.  There really was a common thread between the mini art quilts of creepy dolls and dead birds with the old keys and the vintage textiles.  Writing articles like this makes me THINK ... and it is a good thing.  So ... if you are reading from Australia, please consider this magazine.  All the articles are thought-provoking and well worth your time.



  1. I wonder if we can buy a copy here in the states. Looks like a good read. Congratulations!

  2. That is wonderful. Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations

    and I love the simple object "hands" and "washing" slide right across the broader spectrum of then and now - something that will probably be researched in many decades to come. The work of "hands" for cleanliness and beyond.
