Friday, January 29, 2021

Mandala XXVIII

(Above:  Mandala XXVIII.  24 1/2" x 24 1/2".  Found objects hand stitched to a section of an old quilt. Found objects include:  rotary telephone dial, metal picture frame hangers, buttons, laminated Tampa Nugget cigar bands, keys, dominoes, paper fasteners, four pieces of glass from two vintage lamps, needle threaders, and metal jump rings.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

After completing Mandala XXVII, I thought to myself, "Susan, you could reverse the rings of cigar bands and metal picture frame hangers ... making the larger, outer circle from the cigar bands and the smaller, inner circle from the hangers." I set about doing this without having the slightest idea what I'd use for the central focal point. 

(Above:  Detail of Mandala XXVIII.)

I still had no idea what would be stitched in the middle when adding rings of buttons.  Finally, I took the piece into the room where I keep my stash of "junk".  Amazingly, the yellow rotary telephone dial fit perfectly in the center.  It was as "meant to be".  Quickly, a few holes were drilled and the piece stitched in place.  These moments of serendipity seem to occur all the time


(Above:  Detail of Mandala XXVIII.)

While in the back room of "stash", I also found two broken lamps.  After dismantling them, I had four nice, glass rings that were part of their stems.  Perfect for the corners.

(Above:  Ernie helping!)

To stitch the very outside of some of these mandalas, I have to remove them from the stretcher bar because the edge is impossible to reach.  Ernie has gotten so big that he can only sit on my work when it is off the stretcher bar.  He is now only helping with the last part ... the edges of buttons and old keys!  Ernie has, however, inspected just about every items before it gets stitched down!  He's King Cat of the stash room!


  1. I am just discovering your work and I LOVE IT!!!

  2. I well imagine Ernie, loves to poke and prod your stash collection ...trinkets and treasures for him. And it's good that he's big enough to add some weight to your cloth as you stitch...

  3. I can't get over how much I'm drawn to these mandalas.... I get excited every time you post a new one.
