Thursday, May 09, 2024

Cascade or the Lace Forest, in progress

(Above:  Me ... stitching in my sanctuary-sized studio on Cascade/The Lace Forest.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

For more than two weeks, I've returned to the installation started back in October during a two-week art residency at Bethany Arts Community.  It's called Cascade or The Lace Forest.  I'm keeping both names but will likely only use one or the other when showing the work.  Why?  Well ... if suspended from a ceiling in a way to allow viewers to walk through and around the individual strands, then its a "forest".  If hung tightly together against a wall, then it would better resemble a cascading waterfall.  (Click HERE to visit one of the blog posts I wrote from the art residency.  It explains my process and inspiration.)

(Above:  Cascade/The Lace Forest ... some time early last week.)

Even before starting to stitch, I was working on this installation. First, I was thrilled to have enough space to actually look through all the vintage and antique linens in my stash.  Having this big, sanctuary-sized studio is WONDERFUL.  Second, I spent at least six or seven evenings cutting up the stash into strips.  I filled two, very large plastic tubs.  Finally, I started stitching the strips onto the one-inch in diameter upholstery cording.  Each finished strand has been hung from the railing in my choir loft. 

I have had plenty of help with this project.  Above is Mr. Minnie guarding one of the tubs.

Later, Ernie took over guard duty.

Earlier this week, I had seven strands hanging.  Right now ... while I am typing this blog post, there are thirteen finished strands.  Fifteen were stitched during the art residency.  I think I have a great start on a "forest" and definitely enough for a descent "waterfall", but my aim is to create fifty.  I think I have enough crochet, lace, damaged tablecloths, ribbon, and other usable material (though I'm not quite sure and can eagerly accept any that is sent my way!)

I truly love this installation.  The details are wonderful.  I think that it will be a fabulous experience for people, and I'm especially thrilled that it is already headed to an invitational show called Rising Up! A Multi-Cultural Celebration of Stitched Fine Art at Featherstone Center for the Arts on Martha's Vineyard, MA.  Most exciting is that Steve and I are driving to the venue, helping install the work, and staying through the opening reception.  The exhibit runs from June 23 to July 21, 2024. The opening reception is on Sunday, June 23 from 4-6 pm!  I am grateful and happy!  

If I hadn't set up The Cabinet of Curiosities and my two walls on which I've hung small artworks, I could get a better photo of the strands as they are hanging.  Still ... this is likely the first shot from "inside my studio!"

Still ... my unique studio does have this interesting view from the atrium!  Believe it or not, there are three doors from the atrium into the sanctuary!

I can wait to install!



  1. Just spectacular. And a fun place to set up the installation. Your "how I spent my summer vacation" story will be a rich one.
