Thursday, July 11, 2024

End of the solo show in Springfield and other things

(Above:  Selfie before taking down my solo show. Click on any image to enlarge.)

This past weekend my solo show, Once & Again: Alterations, concluded at the Springfield Arts Association in Illinois.  I drove there on Sunday, stopping for a mere hour at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY.  It was hard to limit my time but necessary.  Driving to Springfield is an eleven+ hour commitment through road construction and traffic.  On Monday, I snapped this selfie and then took down the entire exhibit. I was able to connect with a staff person at Creative Reuse Marketplace, a recycle non-profit where I purchased two big tubs of lace when installing my show.  At that time, I was told there might be more lace in their storage unit.  There was!  I am pretty sure I have enough lace to create at least twenty more strands for my Lace Forest Installation!  I'm excited!  Then, I drove back home on Tuesday. 

(Above:  In my sanctuary studio stitching on a Found Object Mandala commission.)

Since returning home, I worked on one of two Found Object Mandala commissions, started another mandala, and went through an intensive orientation to Bay3, a cooperative gallery space inside the building with the Anderson Art Center.  I've never been part of a cooperative art gallery but I'm hoping this will be an excellent way to meet artists in the area.  On average, I'll be working in the gallery twice a month.

(Above and below, photos from inside my Lace Forest showing kids from Garden Gate Child Development Center exploring the installation.)

Soon, I'll be working back and forth from my Found Object Mandalas to the expansion of The Lace Forest. I'm eager to do this!  First, I love stitching mandalas, especially two commissions.  Second, I'm totally excited that The Lace Forest is enjoying so much success.  Recently, I received (with parental consent) of kids enrolled in Garden Gate Child Development Center exploring my installation.   The looks on their faces will keep me moving forward.  Such joy!


1 comment:

  1. I love the looks on the faces of the kiddoes as they explore your Lace Forest!
