Friday, February 28, 2020

Anonymous Ancestors at Lander University

(Above:  My installation Anonymous Ancestors at Lander University's Fine Art Gallery.  On view from February 27 - March 27, 2020 in Greenwood, South Carolina.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

It was truly a wonderful experience installing Anonymous Ancestors in the Lander University Fine Art Gallery last Wednesday.  There were students to help unload the cargo van, hang some of the work, put together the sculptural garments, and set the lighting.  (Thank goodness!  I'm terrible about lighting!)

 (Above:  Photo from Thursday's art reception.)

Dozens attended Thursday morning's artist talk and many returned for a lovely evening reception.  St. Claire Donaghy, journalist with the Index-Journal newspaper, came to check out the show.  She had already published a very good article after our earlier telephone conversation.  

Steve and I were introduced to faculty members, the interim dean, and other new friends.  Conversations over craft beer and pizza dinner (my favorite type of meal!) ranged from hilarious anecdotes to serious inquiries on our studio practices. A spirit of creativity and shared values flowed easily.  It was great!

I could go on and on about new friends, inspirations, and the engaging questions asked ... but I'll spare readers this emotional outpouring!  Sharing the pictures is quite enough!  So ... below are some of the shots of the show both with and without people!  Enjoy!

PS  Steve and I had time before the reception to visit the National Park Service's Ninety-Six National Historic Site.  This Revolutionary war battle ground features the earthen mounds of the Star Fort and the archeological remains of a former town, communication trenches, and a log cabin.  We hiked on the Cherokee Trail and saw three deer.  The day was beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Such an incredible exhibit and body of work...and I'm only seeing photos!
    It sounds like it was a grand time for you and your husband. And I'm guessing very enjoyable for the people who were able to chat with you too. As always, thank you for sharing.
