Tuesday, March 03, 2020

All Sorts of Directions

(Above:  In Box CCCLXXII.  Inventory # 4674. Framed: 25" x 19". $325. Click on any image to enlarge.)

Since returning from Lander University and a successful opening of my solo installation Anonymous Ancestors, I have been going in all sorts of different directions.  It's all good though!

 (Above:  Polyester stretch velvet selection coordinating with a friend's interior design swatches.)

First, a friend is trying to find the perfect artwork for her living room.  Although my work is not at all what she needs or wants, I liked her swatches well enough to make a coordinating In Box Series piece.  I did this because it was a challenge; I'm not one who would ever select nearly neon yellow, silver and gold, and an assortment of blues.  I did this for another reason too! I have older pieces that are still hanging around in perfectly good frames.  This new piece replaced one of the older ones.

(Above:  In Box CCCLXXII in a white-on-white frame that has been hanging for nearly five years with another color wave inside it.)

Some people think that because I own my picture framing shop, I can have EVERYTHING framed.  The truth of the matter is, I ran out of wall space years ago.  When an older piece doesn't sell inside a reasonable (or often "unreasonable") amount of time, it is time to replace the artwork.  I hope this new work finds a permanent home.  The older piece got shrink-wrapped.  It is in a bin where it takes up much less room!

 (Above:  We Never Had Indoor Plumbing, The Wall of Ancestors.  Altered, antique image and frame with convex glass.  22" x 16".)

Now, I need more pieces for my Wall of Ancestors like I need another hole in my head.  Storage is a real issue.  I didn't hang all of the available pieces last week in my solo installation ... but I can't help myself.  I keep rescuing old photos and old frames.  This one was totally inspired by my recent art residency in Springfield, Illinois where I visited Lincoln's home.  Of course I am aware that indoor plumbing is a rather modern convenience and that most people living in the 19th century didn't have it, but this fact became a little more visceral when realizing that Lincoln's home NEVER had indoor plumbing ... ever!  Looking into the two-seater outhouse and knowing this was part of Lincoln's everyday life until moving to the White House was almost shocking. I had to take this realization and make art to express it!

(Above:  Different Dads, The Wall of Ancestors.  Altered antique image and frame.  13" x 11".)

Just when I was telling myself, "Susan, stop making more of these pieces!", I had to make yet another.  I've had the antique frame for months.  Yet, my mail brought me an amazingly large stash of vintage and antique images from a nice woman who saw my Anonymous Ancestors exhibition when it was in Fairhope, Alabama.  Among the works was this picture.  It once had an odd shaped frame, almost an oval.  With a little trimming, it fit the frame I had.  Some things just have to be made.

In the meantime, I am going in another direction ... west.  I'm very pleased to say that I've been selected as the artist-in-residence for Guadalupe Mountains National Park in western Texas, April 17th through May 16th.  I'm also going west for an art residency at Noxabee National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi from June 29th through July 24th.  I'm excited!  Now ... I have heard from friends that I "get everything" to which I apply.  Far from it!  I just don't announce my rejections (which number quite a few more than the acceptances!)  Honestly, I don't bat 50% ... but then again, most professional baseball players don't bat 50% either!


  1. Those oval and round frames are precious! I have some of my mother's petit point in round frames -- with sort of scrolled edges. When I took the pieces to a framer (over a decade ago now) to be repaired, she replaced the papers (put in acid free) and cleaned the glass...and repaired and "re-gilded" the frames because she said she'd not been able to find newer versions. I treasure my pieces but alas, full well know that it's likely my kids will have them auctioned off someday...

  2. of course you can't stop making!

    it's part of you and your creative soul...
