Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Our recent trip to DC

(Above:  Reception for Full Circle at the Strathmore Mansion in North Bethesda with Dominie Nash, Eleanor Levie, me, and Linda Syverson Guild. Click on any image to enlarge.)

I've been meaning to write this blog post since we returned from a whirlwind trip to Washington, DC and to the opening reception of Full Circle at the Strathmore Mansion in North Bethesda.  It's been good intentions for just over a week.  I guess the adage is correct:  Better late than never. 

(Above:  A couple looking at one of my Found Object Mandalas.)

I had three of my Found Object Mandalas in this juried show.  One of them earned an honorable mention.  Steve and I had a great time watching people look at my work.  We had a better time hanging out with some of the other artists, especially the fiber artists!

(Above:  Whistler's Peacock Room at the Smithsonian Asian Art Museum.)

We spent all day on Saturday like tourists.  Of course we visited my favorite room in the world, Whistler's Peacock Room!

The Smithsonian Asian Art Museum is connected underground to another favorite place, the Smithsonian African Art Museum.

 From a distance, I though this large, circular sculpture was some sort of giant tire.  On closer inspection, it was a giant snake eating its own tail ... made entirely from recycled, plastic gas containers.  I forgot to snap a photo of the label but I was very impressed by the statement.  This artist said that he's expected to make masks ... just because the assumption is that all African artists make masks.  So ... he makes masks but this sculpture is what comes from his soul.

Nearby was a glorious piece by Ghanaian artist El Anatsui.  I've seen others but never one so close at hand.  I was mesmerized.

We ordered time entry passes (free, of course) for Osgeneos, a major exhibition at the Hirshhorn by Brazilian twins who started out as graffiti artists.  It was incredible ... so very detailed, colorful, and imaginative.

I was enchanted with Mark Bradford's enormous installation called Pickett's Charge.  It went entirely around the inner circle at the Hirshhorn.

Yet it was Laurie Anderson's installation that captivated me most.  At age seventy-eight, this multi-discipline artist worked ten hour days for over two weeks to totally cover the floor and all the rooms of a very large space with stream-of-consciousness paintings, quotations, symbols, and signs.  We also went to the Kennedy Center for a free concert on the Millennial Stage and to Wooley Mammoth Theater for a one-man performance billed as a comedy despite the fact that it was a presentation focusing on the hideousness of gun violence and the aftermath of life after losing a child. 

(Above:  Image from GUAC ... and yes ... photography, videos, and any other way of sharing the experience was allowed ... in fact, it was encourage.)

The show was called GUAC and was written and performed by the father of a young student murdered in the Parkland school mass shooting.  I laughed and I cried.  Below are just some of the other artworks we saw during the trip!


Cemetery Flags going to SDA's exhibition at Florida CraftArt

(Above: Cemetery Flags. 9'1" x 4'8". Assorted US flags retrieved from cemetery trash bins free-motion embroidered onto a discarded casket flag.  Click on image to enlarge.)

I'm very happy to announce that Cemetery Flags was just accepted into SDA's (Surface Design Association's) upcoming juried show, Spaces Between.  The exhibit is being held in partnership with Florida CraftArt where the work will be on view from March 28 to May 17, 2025.
This was once a piece that got started in 2011, was put away for years, and finally finished in December 2022!  I blogged about it HERE


Sunday, February 09, 2025

School Days commissioned mandala

Above:  Mandala CCXX.  Custom framed: 27" x 27".  Found objects hand-stitched to a section of a vintage quilt. Most of these objects were collected by the client.  Objects include:  A child's device to learn to tell time; round, wooden numbers from 1 to 36; short, colored pencils; cookie cutters; dominoes; toy whistles; letters A to H; miniature pinball toys; rubber stamps; toy car wheels; Mallo Cup tokens; owl-eyed paper clips; game pieces; wheat pennies; 12" rulers; keys; tiny, toy airplanes; assorted buttons and beads. Click on any image to enlarge.)

Several months ago, I was contacted by a nice lady who wanted a mandala created from nostalgic objects that reminded her of elementary school days. She was willing to collect these items herself.  Then, she mailed them to me.  I went through the box, laid out a potential design, and sent a photo for her approval.  Almost immediately, she wrote back and I went to work.

(Above:  Laying out the numbers around the lid of a pot!)

In order to form a circle around the "teach time nursery clock", I used a lid from one of our pots.  It was just the right size and provided an edge against which I could line up all the wooden numbers.  Each number was pre-drilled and then held in place by a stitched bead.

(Above:  Mandala CCXX in progress.)

The next thing I had to figure out was the size of the button circle.  It needed to create the space for the stubby colored pencils.  Then, I attached the rulers and the elements selected for the corners.

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXX.)

Some of the colored pencils had to be sharpened to shorten them.  Some were a little shorter than the average length, but finally I got them all stitched in place.  The points went between the wooden numbers.  A gold bead went at the end.

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXX.)

The next two concentric circles were stitched according to the original design.  Yet when they were finished, I added several other elements.  This generally happens.  It is a rare time when my initial plan isn't altered.  I start out with a clear idea but end up working intuitively.  Thankfully, my client knew this in advance and loves the results.  It's in a box and whizzing its way to its new home!

Now ... I should have already written a blog post about last weekend.  Steve and I went to The Mansion at Strathmore in North Bethesda for the opening of a juried show called Full Circle.  Three of my Found Object Mandalas were in the show.  One received an honorable mention.  The trip was great and we spent a fabulous day in nearby Washington, DC visiting the Hirschhorn, the Smithsonian Asian Art and African Art museums, and turning in my metro card for a senior pass.  Wow!  Half fares from now on!  We also saw a free concert on the Kennedy Center's Millennial stage and went to Wooley Mammoth Theater for a one-man show called Guac, a presentation by the father of a student murdered during the Parkland school shooting.  Believe it or not, it was billed as a comedy despite the very serious and compelling topic addressing gun violence.  I laughed and I cried.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Four new Lunettes

(Above:  Four new Lunettes ... framed and ready to go to April's Smithsonian Craft Show!  Click on any image to enlarge.)

For the last week or so, I've been constructing these four Lunette Windows.  Today was "framing day" ... which is an odd thing.  Before retiring and moving, every day was "framing day".  I don't miss running our custom picture framing business!  In the past, I would construct, melt, mount, frame, photograph, and blog each piece ... one at a time.  That's all the time each day permitted.  Now, however, it makes more sense to cut and build all the frames at the same time.  Below are the four new pieces.  I'm really pleased with them!

(Above:  Lunette LXXV.  Framed with anti-reflective/UV filtering glass:  22" x 28".  $525.)

Each piece is layers of polyester stretch velvet fused together on top of black, synthetic packaging felt.  The stitching is done with 100% black cotton thread.  The work is exposed to soldering irons and an industrial heat gun which melts through the synthetics.

(Above:  Lunette LXXVI. Framed with anti-reflective/UV filtering glass. $525.)

Each piece is mounted by hand-stitching it to a piece of acid-free mat board ... literally, holes through the mat board.

(Above:  Lunette LXXVII. Framed with anti-reflective/UV filtering glass. $525.)

This weekend, Steve and I are going to Washington, DC for the opening reception of a juried show called Full Circle at Strathmore in North Bethesda.  I have three Found Object Mandalas in the exhibit.

(Above:  Lunette LXXVIII. Framed with anti-reflective/UV filtering glass. $525.)


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Button Tidal Wave in Black


(Above:  Button Tidal Wave in Black.  Custom framed:  31" x 31".  Assorted buttons hand-stitched to a section of a vintage curtain.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

I truly adore this old fabric.  It was donated to me by a friend.  It was originally a curtain.  I'm not sure if it is the color, the pattern, the thickness, the way light reflects on its surface or just the sensation of yesteryear's luxury that draws me to it.  A small section became the substrata of a small Found Object Mandala. (Click HERE to see it.)  Stitching on it was as wonderful as my adoration.  I had to use more of it.  Button Tidal Wave in Black is the result.

(Above:  Detail of Button Tidal Wave in Black.)

Because of the dense stitching of buttons, I knew that the fabric would "shrink" a little in that area.  This always happens when there's lots of stitching in one section.  The manipulation of the weave, the pulling of the thread, and the very minute gathering just happens.  It isn't a problem ... except if there's a large area with no stitching.  That area will very slightly pucker.  It generally doesn't matter ... except with fabric that has a high sheen like this damask.  So combat it, I backstitched the outline of the pattern.  The gentle pulling of these stitches allowed the area to lay perfectly flat. 

(Above:  Detail of Button Tidal Wave in Black.)

I really like this piece and am amazed at the way light really does bounce off it.  Even the field of black buttons reflects a lot of light as can be seen in the image above.  These really are BLACK; the buttons look much more accurate in the other two shots.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Mandala CCXIX

(Above:  Mandala CCXIX. Custom framed:  27 3/8" x 27 3/8".  Found objects hand-stitched to a section of a vintage quilt.  Objects include:  A decorative plate onto which a muffin tin and gold button are stitched; out-of-date rabies pet tags; golf tees; metal washers; beer caps; eight, model train cars; aluminum coasters on which coffee K-pods are stitched; toy car wheels; wooden blocks; thread spools on which anonymous photos are collaged; folding travel scissors; vintage fabric yoyos; pale orange Gatorade lids; large blue plastic lids on which are stitched circles of crochet with vintage poker chips; and assorted buttons and beads.

There was something very special about stitching my last Found Object Mandala, the one on which I placed all eighty-eight keys from my long neglected piano.  (Click HERE to access).  I knew I gave "second life" to the musical instrument. I knew that my piano now has a better chance to survive a generation or more, possibly long after I'm dead, because I dismantled it and used the parts for art. 

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXIX.)

Well ... that got me thinking about the quilt that came from my Great Aunt Janet.  Her mother stitched it but it had never been used until Steve and I started sleeping under it.  How did I know that? First, the faint pencil marks for the hand quilting were still there on the surface. Second, Aunt Janet said she had always kept it in her cedar chest.  It was precious to her though she advised us to USE IT ... to sleep under it ... to give it a life outside in the world instead of closed up where no one could see it.  

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXIX.)

Over the years, some of the feed sack fabrics and dress material used in the Dresden Plate pattern got threadbare.  Recently, I noticed that some of these places were totally tattered.  It was time NOT to keep using this quilt.  That also meant that this special quilt needed a new lease on life.  In my hands, that means using sections for my Found Object Mandala series.

(Above: Detail of Mandala CCXIX as seen from an angle.)

The first cut was the hardest, of course, but the results are wonderful!  I hope Aunt Janet is looking down from heaven and seeing this mandala.  She might see serendipitous connections with many of the found objects.  Her father-in-law (my great grandpa) worked as a carpenter for the railroad.  He did the cabinetry work in first class train cars.  The out-of-date rabies tags might remind her of the hunting dogs Uncle Howard dearly loved.  The anonymous photographs were mostly from times in their younger days, long before my birth.  The thread spools, fabric yoyos, and the little folding travel scissors would definitely make Aunt Janet smile; she was a fine seamstress. Aunt Janet was thrifty and fiercely logical about using what one had instead of pining away for something one didn't have.  In my heart, I know she'd be pleased.  I will not waste the rest of the Dresden Plate quilt.  More mandalas will be created on this beautiful surface.  That I can promise!

Friday, January 17, 2025


(Above:  Mandala CCXVIII. Custom framed:  33 1/4" x 33 1/4".  Found objects hand-stitched to a section of a vintage quilt. Objects include: A metal clock face; black curtain hangers; a trivet; a biscuit cutter; red, plastic lids; buttons and beads; and all eighty-eight keys from my former piano in their correct order.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

On Christmas Day 2023, I dismantled the piano I grew up playing.  It had a broken sound board even before I moved it from my parents house back in 1991.  It moved from our first house in Columbia to Mouse House, our home/business ... where it sat in the dining room ... rarely ever played.  I meant to start playing again but it didn't happen.  I have no regrets about this.  After all, I was never a competent player.  I simply adored practicing and imagining the music sounding better than the incorrect notes I was forever hitting. 

(Above:  The eighty-eight keys ... whole ... lined up in order.)

There was no reason to move the piano to our new location in Cateechee. It only made sense to save parts for future artwork.  So ... reverently and with Christmas music in the background, I dismantled it.  I saved felt hammers, all the keys, and a couple other parts.  A friend and her son (who had the right wrench to loosed the strings) came and collected the strings for her artwork.  I knew I could use the keys for a Found Object Mandala.  After all, I was once commissioned to create a mandala for Carolina Steinway.  (CLICK HERE to access it.)  Yet, I really didn't want to make another one quite as large as that!  Piano keys are long!  A circle of them is therefore BIG!

(Above:  All eighty-eight keys ... after being cut ... still lined up in proper order.)
Perhaps the issue with the size of the keys prevented me from using them since moving.  Christmas was sneaking up on me again ... a full year after dismantling the piano.  So ... on Christmas Day 2024 ... I lined up the keys, looked at them, and decided to cut them near to the length one actually sees on a piano.
(Above:  The design laid out on the same work table.)
Soon enough, other found objects fell into place including the metal clock face that once hung in the sanctuary here in Cateechee.  The size was manageable and the design looked very promising!
(Above:  Stretcher bar on a vintage quilt.)
Ordinarily, I start with the substrata already selected but not this time!  I had to look in my stash to find something that would go well with the bold, high contrast design.  Lo and behold, I found this vintage quilt my my stash. (It looks perfectly good in the photo but trust me ... many of the pieces of fabric making up the hexagonal star shapes were in dreadful condition!)  I'd had this quilt for at least two years but never used it because it was just too bold, too high in contrast.  Bold with bold!  High contrast with high contrast!  Perfection!

(Above:  Stitching the curtain rings onto the clock face.)

One of the trickiest part in creating my mandalas is planning how to stitch it.  In order to attach the curtain hanging rings to the clock face, four holes per each ring were drilled.  Each of the red lid were also drilled ... and a hole in the clock face for them.  The trivet was to be held in place by the biscuit cutter which already had two holes large enough for two shank buttons.  All the was needed was two holes in the clock face to work with the holes in the biscuit cutter.  Then, there were the holes along the edge.  They were needed in order to stitch the altered clock face to the quilt.  In all, there were ninety-eight holes drilled through the clock face.  It is little wonder that I purchase 1/16" drill bits by the handful! LOL!

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXVIII.)

In order to attach the keys, more holes were drilled.  Each key has two holes drilled through it.  When all these holes were drilled, it was almost time to stitch!  First, the section of the quilt was stapled to the stretcher bar.  Then, a layer of orange bridal tulle/netting went over this surface.  The tulle/netting protects the fragile pieces of fabric.  In this case, it also cut a little of the contrast on the quilt.  Finally, I started stitching ... but then ... we went to Pasadena for the Rose Parade on New Years Day.  

(Above:  Mandala CCXVIII as seen from an angle.)
After returning from California, I returned to this piece.  Finally, it was mounted, framed, photographed, and got its signed label on the reverse side!  The mounting is very important and also time consuming.  The work is removed from the stretcher bar on which it is stapled for stitching.  It is then stapled to a smaller stretcher bar, one that matches the dimensions of the predetermined perimeter.  This smaller stretcher bar includes a piece of acid-free foam centered board glued over it.  Why two stretcher bars?  Well ... I can't stitch through the wooden stretcher bar.  So the first one has to be bigger than the final size of the piece!  Why the acid-free foam-centered board?  Well ... I stitch through it and the quilt so that no part of the quilt is supporting more than a few square inches of the front.  The holes along the edge of the clock face are double stitched ... one stitch to attach the clock face to the quilt and one stitch to attach the clock face and quilt to the underlying foam-centered board.  Each key is also double stitched.  There is no way that the weight of these keys is going to cause the quilt to sag or tear from the force of gravity!  I'm very pleased with this piece and especially how it has given my beloved piano a "second life".  I stitch much better than I ever played!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mandala CCXVII

(Above:  Mandala CCXVII.  Custom framed:  20 1/4" x 20 1/4". Found objects hand-stitched to a section of vintage curtains layered on felt and linen.  Objects include: A star-shaped cookie cutter; lids from toddler food pouches; caps from small bottles of pinot grigio Barefoot wine; blue, daisy-shaped and red, heart-shaped, out-of-date rabies pet tags; pale orange Gatorade lids; round, unmarked vintage poker chips; black, plastic devices of unknown function; and assorted buttons and beads. $395 plus tax and shipping. Click on any image to enlarge.)  

A friend recently sent me the curtains that once hung in her grandmother's house.  They were old and dated but also sentimental and evocative of luxury and a certain sophistication that was once the staple of yesteryear's American dream. How could I not use them?  Yet, this posed a slight problem. I generally use quilts that need a "second life."  I need a certain thickness as a substrata.  Finally, it dawned on me that I have plenty of other vintage fabric that could be placed under the beautiful rose brocade curtain fabric.  I decided to try it and I'm glad I did!  It worked very well.

(Above:  Mandala CCXVII as seen at an angle.)

Soon enough, I found all sorts of objects that worked well with this background.  Some of these things were also recently donated to my stash!

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CCXVII.)

The little pinot grigio Barefoot wine caps came from one nice person.  The expired rabies tags came from another nice person. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful and generous friends!  THANK YOU!  If anyone else wants to ship multiples of strange/interesting/unique things to me, my address is 320 North Church Street, Central, SC 29630.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Getting work done!

(Above:  Stacks of artwork waiting for the upcoming Smithsonian Craft Show.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

Even before Steve and I took off on a last minute, whirlwind trip to Pasadena for the Rose Parade, I was working on some of the pieces finally finished and put in this stack ... just waiting to go to the Smithsonian Craft Show this coming April.  I've also finished three Found Object Mandalas that will be blogged soon.  Meanwhile, we are praying (like most of America) for those people, businesses, schools, pets, and even wild animals who have been displaced by the wildfires that are still devastating the areas near where we were on New Years Day.  It's been surreal to know our time in Los Angeles was only a week before this crisis.

(Above:  In Box CDLXXIV.  Framed with anti-reflective/UV filtering museum glass:  26 1/2" x 22 1/2".  Layer of polyester stretch velvet fused on white felt.  Hand stitched and zapped with an industrial heat gun. $475.)

During the drive, I stitched on an experimental design for my In Box Series.  Instead of carefully placing squares and rectangles of polyester stretch velvet in ways that they intentionally don't line up, I positioned three, central pieces inside a large, empty rectangle surrounded by individual squares.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out despite the fact that the "empty" rectangle isn't really obvious.  (It's the solid yellow piece.  On top of it are lots of additional square shapes ... which blend with the individual squares on the outside.)

(Above: Detail of In Box CDLXXIV.)
The solid yellow piece is more noticeable in this detail image ... though I think the texture is the more amazing thing! LOL!  It is fun to stitch in the car while the landscape changes state by state.
(Above:  Large Lancet IX.  Framed:  20" x 50".  Layers of polyester stretch velvet fused to recycled black felt with self-guided/free-motion machine stitching and melting techniques.)
I also finished Large Lancet IX.  I am planning to make more of these and others from the Fiber Stained Glass Series. It's hard to know just what people will like best in my booth.  I guess I just have to make lots of work and then decide what gets to go to Washington, DC!


Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Whirlwind trip to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl Parade


(Above:  Steve and me in front of one of the giant signs outside the Rose Bowl on January 1st.  Click on any image to enlarge.)

On the day after Christmas, Steve and I decided to drive to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl parade.  The next day, we packed. We also booked three things: 1) bleacher seats for the parade, 2) a hotel outside Pasadena for New Year's eve night, and 3) reservations on December 31st at the Getty Museum.  On Saturday, we were on the road heading west before dawn!  Doing crazy things like this was one of the reasons we retired!  We knew we were in for an adventure!

On the way, we stopped at Cadillac Ranch on the west side of Amadillo, Texas.  We've stopped there before but this time, we were handed an extra can of spray paint and wrote "Go Bucks" on one of the vehicles.  We are sure that this message didn't last even a half hour.  The weather was gorgeous and dozens of people were visiting!


We made a quick visit to this Rock Shop in Holbrook, Arizona ... very near Petrified Forest National Park.  The last time we were there, it was for sale.  We joked about buying it because we hadn't found a retirement house yet.  Well ... its' still for sale.  Thankfully, we found our church before seriously considering this unique location ... though I would have like to purchase a small dinosaur to take with us. 


It took three days to get to California and to Amboy Crater.  The first time we saw this dormant volcano cinder cone was forty years ago ... when Steve was still in grad school. Like this trip, we were driving to Pasadena to cheer for our Buckeyes in the Rose Bowl.  We didn't have time to hike up to the rim then.  We didn't have time during our last visit either, but this time we made it.  According to my AllTrail app, the hike was 3.4 miles.  Because we arrived rather late in the afternoon, we had to really hurry the pace.  Yet, we got a great sunset from the center of the crater and managed to return to our car even though it was dark by the time we got there!

 On New Year's Eve we went to the Getty Museum.  I'd been there once before ... 2001.  Steve had never been to this fantastic museum complex. We hoped to view VanGogh's Irises but they were moved from their usual location to a smaller room that included unique ultra-violent lighting that exposed some of the brushstrokes that are used to analyze the work and aid in conservation matters.  Due to the small size of the room, a limited number of visitors were allowed inside at a time. The line for this special exhibit was LONG.  We decided to skip it and we are glad we did!  There is no way to see everything else!  The place is incredible and FREE.  On-line reservations are all one needs!

The medieval section was obviously my favorite.  I snapped dozens and dozens of photos ...

... capturing things that jumped out at me ... like this Adoration of the Magi with its rich, red background ...

... and this gorgeous painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder called The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark.  

I'd never seen or studied this painting but got totally caught up in the details like ...

 ... the pair of porcupine right in the front and ...

... and these playful but rather aggressive leopards that sort of reminded me of my cats, Ernie and Minnie.

The illuminated manuscripts on display accompanied a special exhibit on medieval science and astrology.

The showcases of early glass included this totally unique vessel.

I was transfixed with this sculpture.  The different materials were exquisite, especially the way the bronze part of the garment blended seamlessly into the marble.

The period rooms were one after another more gorgeous than the last ... and I have no earthly idea how that clock was mounted on the mirror!

The view to Los Angeles with the cactus garden in the foreground was also just beautiful.  On New Year's Eve, the Getty closed a bit early:  4:00 PM.  Because one accesses the complex via a tram from the parking facility, we knew to leave before the mad rush.  Yet, there was already a long line waiting for the tram.  A guard told us that we could walk down to save time.  That walk was also great ... and totally downhill.  Soon, we were in downtown LA meeting our friends!

Mark was part of our Block O gang back in the early 1980s.  Block O is the student card-flashing and cheering section for The Ohio State Buckeyes football season.  Kate is from outside NYC.  They got married in 1986.  Steve was the "best man".  Well ... they came out to Pasadena too!  They actually flew from a Christmas in Ireland with one of their kids' family back to Chicago ... and three hours later ... on to LA.  They were tired but happy.  We had a great time at dinner and then met one another the next morning on Colorado Boulevard before the Rose Bowl Parade.  Time with them was one of the best highlights of this trip ... one we didn't even know could happen until we were driving west (and while Mark and Kate were flying west!) Gotta love social media for putting us together!

Our seats for the parade were incredible.  We were up in the bleachers but directly behind one of the ABC camera crews filming the event.  The weather couldn't have been better. 

A stealth bomber sailed above the length of Colorado Boulevard announcing the start of the parade.  Everyone was awed. 

 Airplanes flew overhead spelling "Happy New Year" in vapors from their exhaust ... sort of like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz movie!  Amazingly, that witch made an appearance on this Wicked themed float!

There was no way to select a favorite float!  But if push came to shove, both Steve and I really liked this bowling themed one!  It reminded us of the years back in Columbus when Steve was a competitive bowler ... plus, the pins rotated!

Of course the little float for The Ohio State Buckeye cheerleaders got a great response from the crowd.  There were plenty of Oregon Ducks around but I really think more scarlet and gray fans were in attendance.

The Ohio State Marching Band (known as "The Best Damn Band in the Land" ... and rightfully so!) played Beautiful Ohio when passing our bleachers.

 Two of the floats had erupting volcanoes!  After climbing Amboy Crater, I really liked them!

This Cal Poly University, dinosaur themed float was wonderful.  It became quite obvious that the shorter set of bleachers directly across the street from us was filled with Cal Poly students.  They went totally nuts.  It was fun to watch!

With more than forty floats, decorated vehicles carrying celebrities (like Grand Marshall Billie Jean King), various horse clubs, marching bands, the parade's royal court, and other features, the two hours just flew by!  I cannot imagine the complex nature of pulling this parade off!  Apparently, the last float ... pictured above ... wasn't shown on television!  It was followed by a giant-sized tow truck with the company name "The End of the Line" and a squad of police cars.

The distance from our location on Colorado Boulevard to outside the Rose Bowl stadium is 1.9 miles.  The walk is mostly downhill.  We were in high spirits getting there and had a wonderful time walking through aisles of tailgating parties.  We assumed that a few scalpers would be hawking game tickets but they were still BUYING.  Presumably, selling would start closer to kickoff.  Steve and I decided not even to attempt getting into the game.  We made the right decision despite the Buckeye victory!  After all, we stayed outside Pasadena and took the 6:30 AM metro to the parade. If we got into the game, it would be dark by the end ... and we'd have a 1.9 mile uphill walk back to the metro station.  So, we left for a sports bar with thirteen giant screens broadcasting the teams until the end:  OSU 41. Oregon 21.  This decision allowed us to stay north of Los Angeles and to go the next day ... 

... to visit my cousin Monika and her husband Karl at their place at Lake Isabella!  We could have stayed much, much longer.  Conversations were easy and quick paced but our luck with good weather was about to run out.  We had to leave in order to beat days of rain on our drive back.

Even so, we did make two stops!  We hiked at Walnut Canyon National Monument around Puebloan cave dwellings and ...

... visited Elvis Presley's birthplace in Tupelo, Mississippi.  (This wasn't my idea!  I was, however, surprised at how very nice it was!  Not even tacky! LOL)