Saturday, March 22, 2008

Decisions, An Installation in the Making, Part 3

(All images can be clicked on for closer inspection!)

This past week I've been working on the last of the framed keys. Although I often fight personal artistic demons of doubt about the quality of my artwork, I've got no issues with my confidence in framing. Presentation is definitely a forte! These last pieces have the moulding cut on its sides, exposing the lip. I painted the interior (which is generally the back of the frame when cut ordinarily) and cut plexi for the front.

I then drilled holes in the plexi and attached it to the frame with copper weather striping nails or with brads and "decorative" washers or brass nuts. I'm really pleased at how unique each one is.

I've also managed to tag about 200 keys. These are now being attached to the doors with hooks, half of which I distress with rust and/or copper patinas.

I'm really please and, of course, now getting a little nervous about exhibiting the installation. The show isn't until next month...but, of course, the publicity, statements, etc. are all due now. Thankfully, I should be "finished" tomorrow...though I might tinker with it during the coming month! The title of the show is PERSONAL GROUNDS. I'm keeping my statement short:

Mixed Media Installation, 2008
Susan Lenz

Personal Grounds is a location in life. It is the place in which one exists as a result of doors opened, keys turned, and options exercised.

(Above: Key to Sucess, 2)

(Above: Untitled Key on Lace.)

(Above: Untitled Key on Kilim.)

(Above: Key to Peace and Quietness.)

(Above: Key to Potential.)

(Above: Key to Sanity.)

(Above: Key to Favor.)

(Above: Key to the Unknown.)

(Above: Key to Mystery.)

(Above: Key to Dreams.)

(Above: Back of Key to Dreams. Some of these keys have collaged backs. This image also shows the off-set strip of metal that I'm using to attach the frames to the doors. There's another piece screwed to the doors into which this strip fits. Should one of these keys sell, I'll simply attach a wire for ordinary hanging...but, as part of the installation, everything hangs perfectly flat against the doors and completely level!)

(Above: Untitled Key with Leather Pouch.)
I've also selected the final two containers for the rest of the wrapped, rusted nails. I found them in my own garage! I'll post photos later...once they're filled and placed in the installation.)


  1. Susan this is amazing I wish that I could be there to see it in person--well done.

  2. This looks really good Susan, so many details...

  3. This is going to be hugely successful, there is so much to think about, love the frames.

  4. Powerful! Just looking at the photos of each evokes emotion. I can hardly imagine what my experience would be if I were in its presence.

  5. This is so wonderful....will you sell any key remaining after the show?

    Is there a reason there are two Keys to Sanity? *S* I do sometimes think sanity is a double locked door.

  6. Hi!
    Thanks for finding my "insanity" error! I have no idea how I wrote this title twice...must have been one of those crazy moments!

  7. I'd leave the 2 keys to sanity--we all have our own definitions of it after all! Looking really wonderful and wish i could see and touch in real life :}

  8. I'm sure some of them will sell - I'd quite like to buy one myself - I really love them. Would love to see the exhibit in person, but at least I have the next best thing on your blog...

  9. This just gets better and better. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of the installation at the exhibition.

  10. I love the new key to sanity -- I'll have to go back and find the other. Maybe there is more than one key to sanity, or everything for that matter. The pitchfork is a little scary -- I hope I don't get caught up on that one!

    The installation is amazing!!!

  11. I have been nominated by Margaret S
    and I think you must be nominated to you blog is an inspiration to me if you have time think of 10 blogs you consider to be nominated to
    warm regards Emmy

  12. Hi Susan, I have just been nominated for an award by Gunnel as a blog that’ brings her inspiration and makes her appreciate the blogosphere’, and of course I have to do the same to 10 blogs that I enjoy! You meet the criteria so consider yourself well and truly nominated! I saw that Emmy beat me to it but one can never get to much appreciation right? :-)If you have the time please do the same for 10 other inspiring sites.

  13. I am so excited for you Susan!! Best wishes with your exhibit...I really would love to be there in person - it's fantastic!

  14. how cool! my favorites are key to sanity and key to dreams because i love the colors. but now that i think of it, i need a key to sanity and a key to dreams! thanks for sharing, very neat.

  15. So beautiful with all those keys. I have saved all my keys sins I was a little child, I think that I got an idée from you, thanks.
    Regards from Sweden
