Monday, March 17, 2008

Tagging Keys

(Click on all images to enlarge.)

Steve has been in England watching Mathias dance the role of Benno in Birmingham Royal Ballet's Swan Lake. Even Mathias was pleased with his performance.

I, however, have been keeping the shop open, making art, and participating in two charity events. I even cooked dinner....a big rarity for me...last Friday night. My parents, my niece, and a friend stopped in Columbia. They were on their way to a spring break at Disney and Epcot in Orlando, Florida. We had a lovely visit.

That evening was also the Sandhills School art auction. I had five pieces in it but couldn't attend. The next evening was the Habitat for Humanities art auction. I had several more pieces there; many sold; the night was wonderful. I also just got a check from the Penn Center....more sales! Yet, the best part of the weekend was spent quietly in my studio.

I was full of gratitude for so many supportive comments and emails after my last post. Thank you to all who wrote, prayed for me, and sent positive energy my way.

Working in my studio was productive. Each key now has a collaged label of torn, heavy watercolor paper. The cords were all zigzagged on my machine and hand stitched...trying very hard to make each one look like it was worn, weathered, and unique...not made one after the other in an almost assemble line procedure. Most are in the photo...but I've got more of them to do!

Above is the Key to Promise. Below is the Key to Trouble. This is how I plan to attach these keys. Currently, I'm rusting and distressing the rest of the hooks. I also created ten more keys on embellished backgrounds for the final, framed pieces. I'll post images when I finish the frames.

Above is a detail shot of the antique ice scoop full of wrapped, rusted nails. I've got several more pounds of nails to wrap. Below is a detail of the two other containers. I was asked for a detail to show how I stitched the antique sewing machine drawer back together after having cut it. I positioned another piece of wood behind the two halves and drilled holes through both wooden layers...then stitched...then wood stained and waxed for an "old" look!


  1. Your key to promises is an artwork in itself against that wonderful peeling paint and with the strong shadow. What a wonderful idea with all these keys! Congratulations on your sales too and on Matthias performance :)

  2. Hi Susan,

    This project is really progressing. The key photo (1st one) would make great background paper. I love old keys, they have so much mystery "locked away" in them.

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Susan, I so enjoy your posts on the progress of your installation. I love the doors and the wrapped nails and especially the keys--both framed and tagged. I am in awe of your work!

  4. You know Susan I would love to get inside your head sometime to see how you think and how your creative spirit really works.
    You rock girl.

  5. I'm so fascinated by those nails--must be a meditative and joyful excercise, wrapping each one. They really draw me in, and i'd like to know what it is that resonates with me, in them...

  6. This is just amazing. What a huge undertaking!

    Thanks for showing the closeup of the stitched-together drawer. Very cool.

  7. I love those keys with tags - what an evocative idea - and as Julie says, they are art just in themselves, against the peeling paint background.

  8. I really have been enjoying watching you put this all together. The keys are fantastic and those nails, I love the wrapping on them. turning ordinary into art!
    In answer to your question about the polar plunge,No, I did not join in. My daughter was one of the crazy ones along with many of her co-workers! We were there for support and warmth.

  9. Mathias dancing in the ballet in England - how fantasti!! You must be so proud.... I love the key art - fantastic. Wrapped nails - love them, and also how you've portrayed them in the scoop.

  10. Did mom try to take any of the keys?? I know she was really hoping to be able to trade for a post card with a key but, by the time we were online to trade, they were already gone. Your work is fantastic...I so want to come and see everything for myself. But the most impressive part of this post....YOU COOKED DINNER????!!!!! ha ha Love you!

  11. All those keys! I love to read all the words. I wish I could see the instillation in person!

    Be careful about cooking dinner. You never know what might happen if they find out you can do it.
