Monday, September 02, 2024

Mandala CC ... as in TWO HUNDRED!

(Above:  Mandala CC.  Custom framed: 22" x 22". Found objects hand-stitched to a section of a vintage quilt. Objects include: A decorative, porcelain dish; PEZ dispensers; dominoes; small, colorful plastic spoons; children's scissors; coffee K-pods; jingle bells; electrical wire end connectors; empty, plastic thread spools; green, blue, and red plastic lids; and assorted beads and buttons. Click on any image to enlarge.)

Sometimes I don't pick up objects at the flea market because I've already used similar things (and I still own that piece!)  I almost didn't buy these twelve PEZ dispensers because the earlier mandala with PEZ dispensers is still available ... but ... how could I resist, especially when the price was right?  These were only a dollar each.  Such a bargain!

(Above:  Detail of Mandala CC.)

Most of my mandalas have a button perimeter.  Mostly, these buttons are identical.  Yet when laying out the colorful PEZ dispensers, I couldn't help but to select equally colorful, assorted buttons for the edge.  I had a blast doing this.  The photo above also shows the well worn surface of the blue-and-white quilt.  Lots of the blue fabric is threadbare, but this isn't problematic for the longevity and overall condition.  Why?  Well ... over the entire surface of the quilt is a nearly invisible layer of sheer bridal tulle/netting.  It doesn't show up in the picture but it protects the fragile seams and fabric.  

(Above: Mandala CC at an angle.)

I've used bridal tulle/netting since the very beginning of this series.  At that time, I never thought I would continue after using the last scrap of the first blue-and-white quilt I cut.  Who would have guessed that this series would become an obsession and that I'd stitch more than two hundred of them?  Thankfully, I am still inspired and the "hunt" for objects is as thrilling as ever!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Congratulations on your "CC"! Every one of these you show reminds me of the collection I'm still gathering. One of these days I really will send you a box of found items. It's just that I *keep* finding more to add to it!