(Above: Blues Chapel Installation at Vista Studios, April 2006.)

(Above: Blues Chapel, Solo Exhibition last July at the Sumter Museum of Art.)
A day or so ago Kate posted a fabulous drawing in celebration of her quilting/fiber blog's first anniversary. As I read, I remembered last August. Vaguely, I recalled starting my art/fiber blog at the about the same time. I looked. Today's the day. I nearly missed it.
This blog is actually my second one. The first was begun earlier last year by complete accident. It still exists on "blogstream" where the imaging capabilities are dismal. So, last year on August 10, I posted three messages. Yesterday, I went back and read....
"....part of my desire to have a blog is to hold on to some of the wonderful, artistic things that have happened to me. One, most recently, was my first solo exhibit in a real museum setting. Blues Chapel was my installation in the Sumter Gallery of Art during the month of July 2006. It was dedicated to the many early, female Blues singers who lived in a male dominated world, in a culturally segregated society, and worked in an unfair musical industry. Singers from Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, to Koko Taylor and Ruth Brown paved the way for the many singers of today. I had a wonderful time creating the 24 images. I had an even better time creating the atmosphere of a chapel, complete with mahogany church pews and fiber "stained glass" windows. I made faux-church bulletins and ole-time church fans. The installation was first shown during Artista Vista, an annual arts event in downtown Columbia, SC. Yet, the museum setting was quite wonderful. I only uninstalled it earlier this week. I'm hoping to have another location for it in the future. I'm already making another piece: A Blues Bible--an ALTARED book!"
It was wonderful to think about this exhibition yesterday. I had to admit to myself that I hadn't gotten very far on the Blues Bible. Sadly, I seemed to fallen away from this project when my quest for a new installation venue didn't work out. I had submitted the show to another museum and received positive feedback...but no acceptance.
Then, I checked my email.
Allen Coleman, executive director of the Pickens County Museum of Art and History, had just written to say that BLUES CHAPEL has been approved by the board of directors for exhibition from June 21 through August 21, 2008. Now that's a proper blog anniversary blessing!

(Above: The back of the chapel while in the Sumter Museum of Art....I've since sold the four "stained-glass" pieces....made just like my "In Box" series....better get working!)

Congrats, congrats and congrats!
Happy Blogday! Congratulations to the Exhibition!
Happy Blogaversary Susan. What a way to celebrate, having another exhibition accepted. Congratulations.
That Blues Chapel installation in just terrific.
Hey, that's great to hear - congratulations on the exhibition (and on the anniversary too, of course).
yes congrat on the exhibition and on the blog anniversary
Susan, Congrats on the exhibit--looks great I only wish I could see it in person.
Congratulations Susan, that's great news! Go for it!
Hi Susan
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your work, and found this piece on the bottom of this post most moving. What is it called?
I just gaze at it. It does everything a great piece of art is supposed to. I love the blog too, especially the detailed photos of your journal and progress, and the boys in the water!
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