Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I spent a glorious day in my studio...totally alone and very productively working on a project I'd set aside months ago. I thought I'd be working on a new altered book...instead I'm finishing an old altered book. With any luck, it will be completed during another glorious day...all day...in my studio, tomorrow!
In the meantime, Elements in Blue: Saviour got done. It is headed, along with the rest of the series to my solo show in the Pickens Museum this summer.
Beautiful Susan just beautiful.
Another wonderful piece, Susan.
how big is this? Like the size of a postcard?? It is very beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
OH, i love your textures and colour shading. FABulous.
Happy American Thanksgiving :} (We had ours last month)
I love your book of masks.... where did you see the masks? Have you seen tham in the British Museum in London? or the Pitts Rivers Museum in Oxford. If not you may need to make another trip over the pond. ;O) ---
Best wishes
another yummy piece - so wish I could see these for real!
I just love these blue works! Beautiful.
thanks for your comments on my landscape piece I always love to here good comments
the piece was made on the embellisher and then stitched over
I love the blue pieces very much
you are a real insperation to me
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